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Tag: Friends of the Basques

From Texas: The Soul of San Sebastian Described in an Extraordinary...

J.C. Reid en San Sebastián
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We first met J.C. Reid at the beginning of 2013 thanks to his amazing article on Bilbao on...

The memoirs of Maria Incera, a Basque war child who lives...

Maria Incera. Una "niña vasca de la guerra" que narra sus vivencias desde Yorkshire
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Her name is Maria Luisa Incera.  She’s from the La Arena neighborhood of Zierbena, on the Biscayne coast,...

A Canadian linguist, who lives in Japan, explains to us, in...

El lingüista canadiense afincado en Japón, Paul Jorgensen, explica en un video de 8 min. el origen, la situación actual, y algunas de las características básicas del euskera
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our esteemed Basque-speaking Colombian colleague, José Miguel Ramírez, has clued us into a video about the Basque language....

Homage is paid in England to a woman who is part...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Her name is María Luisa Incera, and she was a little girl when, in 1937, she had to...

John Adams and the eventful journeys of two US presidents through...

A few days ago, we discussed an article Vince J. Jauristi, a Basque descendent born in Elko, Nevada, published in the Elko Daily about...

The story of Basque war children taken in in Newcastle

Niños Vascos de la Guerra acogidos en Newcastle
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is the third in a series of three articles dedicated to the publications of Sarah Richardson in...

The essential role the society of Newcastle played in the evacuation...

Coquetdale uno de los buques de Newcastle que participaron en la ruptura dle bloqueo franquista a Bilbao y en la evacuación de refugiados
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The second of three articles we’re dedicating to the blog posts by Sarah Richardson for the Tyne &...

British sailors who were witnesses to the Bombing of Guernica

Ruins of Guernica. Photo by Norman Ramsey
This article was translated by John R. Bopp First article in a series of three we’re dedicating to the posts by Sarah Richarson in the Tyne & Wear...

100th anniversary of the birth of Orson Welles, friend of the...

Orson Welles niño
This article was tranlated by Iustrans Orson Welles was born 100 years ago in Kenosha (Wisconsin). He was born on the shores of Lake Michigan,...

The bombing of Guernica. Goodwill shines brightest when surrounded by the...

Bombardeo de Gernika 1937
  Second entry on the Bombing of Guernica written in commemoration of this event held in 2015. Truth and lies about the bombing of Guernica in...