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Tag: Francoism

50 years since the Añoveros homily: a forgotten anniversary?

Portada de Diario16 (1983)Caso Añoveros
February 24th marked the 50th anniversary of the Añoveros homily: a key moment in our history that went by unnoticed(?)

‘The New European’: “The Basques are still singing” despite Franco

Kafe Antzokia Urbeltzen Dantza Ganbara
The British weekly 'The New European' tells how Basque culture survived and thrived despite Franco's persecution

Iñaki de Azpiazu, the Basque priest who touched lives wherever he...

Conferencia de prensa (en el Plaza Hotel) (Final de la misma). De izd. a der.: Joaquín Gamboa, Iñaki Azpiazu, Andrés irujo, Basaldua y el Lehendakari Aguirre.
Iñaki de Azpiazu, as a democrat and human rights defender, touched lives wherever he went, from the Land of the Basques to his adopted homeland, Argentina

An introduction to the first lehendakari and his flight through Nazi...

Jose Antonio Aguirre disfrazado de José Andrés Álvarez de la Lastra, ciudadano panameño, para huir de los nazis
Historian Ingo Niebel is presenting his book about Lehendakari Aguirre's flight through Occupied Europe to escape Nazi and Francoist persecution

Waves against Francoism: Radio Euzkadi

Ondas contra el franquismo Radio Euzkadi
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our old friend Unai Aranzadi has been busy as of late, writing up some very interesting articles on...

Forty years on, and we still have to denounce the impunity...

An initiative at the European Parliament to denounce the impunity of those who committed crimes during Franco's regimes. We still need "truth, justice, and reparations."

This is Radio Euzkadi, the Voice of the Basque Resistance

An article on the publications of the Basque Press Office This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, February 13, marks World Radio Day, and as if...

The Basque Press Office: a “light of democracy” during 31 years...

El Lehendakari Agirre con miembros de su gobierno en la sede del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio de la Avenue Marceau de París. Foto: Fondo María Goñi-Doroteo Ziaurriz
This article was translated by John R. Bopp An article on the radio broadcaster of the Basque Government in exile The Basque Press Office (Oficina de Prensa para...

Yes, they’re guilty, because they’re Basque, ‘abertzales’, ‘gudaris’, anti-fascists, and members...

Los primeros voluntarios del  batallón Arana Goiri.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp I've been thinking about the articles and reports popping up about "The Basque Swastika", which was presented at...

Anjel Lertxundi: “In every tragedy, the victims are forgotten”. An...

Just one of those little coincidences in life.  On December 4, 2011, the Mexican daily El Informador published the statements made by Fernando Aramburu, in which...