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Tag: Euskadi

In the Northern Basque Country: “Am I New-Aquitanian? No, I’m...

Ikurriña en una fachada de Baiona
The debate about the appropriateness (or not) of the French "macro-regions" is solved in the Northern Basque Country: they have no idea why they're part of "New Aquitaine"

Ederbidea: the bicycle route joining Pamplona, San Sebastian, and Bayonne

Ederbidea. La ruta para bicicletas que une Pamplona, Donostia y Baiona
An over 200-km cycling route joins our country north-to-south, crossing the Pyrenees

Data to know “our place in the world” (or at least...

Union Europea Human resources in science and technology, 2018
Eurostat offers us magnificent tools to know where we as a Euro-region are within the European Union thanks to easy-to-understand data

March 22, 2020: 60 years without Lehendakari Aguirre (videos, audios, and...

March 22, 2020 marks the 60th anniversary of the passing of Lehendakari Aguirre, a key figure in the history of our nation

The ikurriña, the coat of arms, the anthem…the FAQs about Basque...

Boceto de la ikurriña realizado por los hermanos Arana
Over the past ten years that we've been blogging, we've had many questions about the origin of the most famous Basque symbols from people...

115th anniversary of the birth of Lehendakari Aguirre, a key figure...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp On this day in 1904, one of the people who would, a few years later, become one of...

Lies and falsehoods about the Basque Economic Agreement, and two places...

  This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is the truest example of a “Highly Exceptional Article” on our blog.  In this case, we didn’t...

Saint Patrick.  Congratulations to the Irish patriots

  This article was translated by John R. Bopp To start warming up, what with Aberri Eguna (the day of the Basque Homeland) fast approaching, we’re going...

The Pioneers of the “Basque Renaissance” in the Northern Basque Country

Detalle del cartel anunciador de las Fiestas Vascas celebradas el Saint Jean de Luz en agosto de 1892. Es la primera representación gráfica con los escudos de todas las provincias de Euskal Herria
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We'd like to break our rule about referring to Basque media today, because we want to discuss a...

Eguzkilore: the Flower that Protects the Basques

Today is the Monday after Easter Sunday, when we Basques celebrate the Aberri Eguna, or Day of the Basque Fatherland.  On this ever so special...