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Tag: Documentary

German TV WDR presents a tour of the southern Basque coast

WDR Das Baskenland - Spaniens raue Atlantikküste
Anne Willmes presents an amazing episode of "Wunderschön!" on German public broadcaster WDR covering the southern Basque coast

A documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield presented by The Smithsonian

Festival de Cine Lengua Materna THE EIGHTH PROVINCE
The Mother Tongue Film Festival, put on by The Smithsonian, is showing a documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield

Scenes of San Sebastian in Documentaries from 1913 and 1920-1930

imagen de un documental sobre Donostia en 1913 conservado en el EYE Film Museum
Back in 2014, we brought you an amateur film from the 1960s showing scenes of Bilbao, the bay, and Ondarroa.  A year later, we...

Lies and threats against the defenders of the Cause of the...

Los primeros voluntarios del  batallón Arana Goiri.
The past few days, we Basques have had to witness, stupefied, the spectacle of watching Vox, a far-right Spanish party that defends Francoism, accuse...

An extraordinary collection of Basque Country films from the second half...

Fiesta popular en Iparralde. Fragmento de un film)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Just a few enthusiasts of film recordings, telling what life was like in our country in the past. ...

A Chilean documentary on Alzheimer’s: “I’m not from here (Chile)…I’m from...

Josebe Echaveguren exiliada vasca en Chile y protagonista del Documental "Yo no soy de aquí"
  Costa Rican daily El País has a report on the documentary “I’m not from here”, directed by Chilean Maite Alberdi and Lithuanian Giedre Zickytèque,...

100th anniversary of the birth of Orson Welles, friend of the...

Orson Welles niño
This article was tranlated by Iustrans Orson Welles was born 100 years ago in Kenosha (Wisconsin). He was born on the shores of Lake Michigan,...

“From Bilbao to the Bay”, an amateur film from 1961 (video)

Fotograma del fim de Raymond Fontaine (1961)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp (Note: another film from the same period, but about the Northern Basque Country here) The video has been uploaded...

Alain Resnais, the Breton who brought the tragedy of Guernica to...

As the just-updated Wikipedia article about recently-passed director Alain Renais states:  Alain Resnais(French: ; 3 June 1922 – 1 March 2014) was a French film director and...

The BNP/PNV, the swastika, Sweden, the Basques, “good Spaniards”, Orson Welles,...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp This documentary will air on ETB2 at 10:00pm on Monday, January 6, 2013 A personal reflection about this documentary...