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Tag: Basque wine

Rioja Alavesa will launch a ‘Denominación de Origen’ with the vintage...

Cartel de rioja alavesa donde se va aponer en marcha la denominación Viñedos de Álava (blogriojaalavesa.eus)
It has been announced that the first wines to be sold under the DOP Viñedos de Álava (Rioja Alavesa) will be the vintage 2023 ones

The best semi-sweet vermouth in the world? Basque. And...

Vermouth Astobiza ©Foto Pablo Urkiola
The World Vermouth Awards have just awarded Astobiza vermouth, from Alava, with the title of the best semi-sweet vermouth in the world in 2021

Basque wines and Eric Asimov, the ‘NYT’ wine critic

Eric Asimov vinos New York Times
The wine critic at the 'New York Times' gives us an amazing overview of Basque wines in his column

Do the different types of cabernet grapes come from the Basque...

Racimo de Cabernet Franc
We've talked on more than one occasion about Basque wines, from Irulegi to the Rioja Alavesa, from Navarre to the coastal txakolis, but in...

A Congress and a Fox News Report about the Underwater Bodega...

Crusoe Treasure Bodega submarina Plentzia
Many moons ago, just after we'd started the blog (so like nine years ago!) we wrote an entry about a new project that had...

Txakoli, the “other” Basque wine

Getariako Txakolina-2-Carlos Octavio Uranga-Flikr
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The FWT Magazine, the official magazine of the The International Food Wine Travel Writers Association, has just...

An (imcomplete) guide to Basque wines (it’s missing Rioja from Alava,...

Artículo sobre los vinos vascos (sobre el txakoli) en el blog the Back Label
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Camille Berry has written an article dedicated to “wines of the Basque Country” on the blog The Black...

Discussing txakoli and placing it on the map of our country,...

Map with Wine denominations in the Basque Country. Euskal Herrian denominazioa duten ardoen mapa. (Wikipedia)
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Elizabeth Schneider is an American sommelier whoo’s dedicated to spreading the culture of wine through her courses and...

Txakoli, recommended as a “summer wine” in Florida

This article was tranlated by Iustrans   St. Augustine is a coastal town located in the north of Florida. Its newspaper, The St. Augustine Record, has...