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Tag: Basque gastronomy

The eastern part of Kyushu Island wants to become the “Basque...

Apertura del evento Nobeoka Gastronómica (Foto del Departamento Editorial de BRAVO MOUNTAIN)
The eastern part of Kyushu Island is emulating the Basque Country as part of its "Basquification plan" to become a world culinary benchmark

The ‘pollo al batzoki’ recipe by the “Marchioness of Parabere”

El pollo al batzoki es un clásico de la cocina del País Vasco.Fuente: YouTubeAutor: Con cacharros y a lo loco
'Pollo al batzoki': a Basque chicken recipe that's quite unique, with an amazing history behind it, first published by a woman with an equally amazing story

A new docu-series about the history of the Basques in Bakersfield...

Basque Tracks. Una serie  de Jacob Shaw sobre los vascos de Baskerfield
Jacob Shaw is directing and producing "Basque Tracks", a series of documentaries about the past, present, and future of the Basque community of Bakersfield, Calif.

Are Basque traditions disappearing in San Francisco?

El antiguo cartel del Basque Hotel todavía cuelga afuera del número 15 Romolo, un vestigio de las influencias vascas de la zona. Frederic Larson / The Chronicle
The closure of the last Basque restaurant in San Francisco, Piperade, serves for the 'Chronicle' as a reason to look at the past and presence of this Basque community

Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin...

Euskal Sagardoa/Sidra del País Vasco, Cidre du País Basque/Euskal Sagarnoa. denominación transfronteriza
Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin in Europe and will incorporate all Basque territories

28 Bugattis hit the highway through six of the seven Basque...

Ediicion 2023 European Grand Tour de Bugatti en Bilbao
The 28 cars starting off the 2023 Bugatti Grand Tour Europe made their "grand départ" from Bayonne and took a four-day drive through the Basque Country, ending up in Bilbao

A tour of Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

Wool Grower Restaurant (Bakersfield, CA)
The Yelp website has published an article about the restaurants that best represent Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

How to spend a weekend in Biscay, according to National Geographic

Una imagen del recuperado bosque de oma (fotografía BFA)
The National Geographic website offers us a great plan for spending a weekend in Biscay, visiting places that are off the beaten path for articles like these

The true history of the Burnt Basque Cheesecake, from La Viña...

De la pequeña cocina de este pequeño bar-restaurante de la Parte Vieja de Donostia/San Sebastián ha salido la tarta de queso vasco que ha conquistado el mundo. (fotografía Cecilia Alvarez-Hevia Arias)
Condé Nast Traveler has published the true history of the Burnt Basque Cheesecake, an invention of La Viña in San Sebastian which has taken over the world

San Sebastián: the best city in the world for dining

Readers' Choice Awards 2023
Conde Nast Traveler readers keep bringing us new joys: they've now chosen San Sebastian as the best city for food in the world