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Tag: Basque diaspora

The celebration of this year’s Day of the Diaspora will be...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Given the trying times brought upon us by COVID-19, the third Day of the Diaspora, which is held on September 8, is going to be...

Jiří Popper, the young Jew killed at Auschwitz wearing a Real Sociedad...

El joven checoslovaco de etnia judía Jiri Popper con un pin del escudo de la Real Sociedad de San Sebastián. (Holocaust.cz)
Yesterday, as every day, the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum shared a photo on Twitter of one of the people killed at that concentration and...

Basque classes in Villa María, Argentina: “Basque opens up a whole...

Every time we get some news from our compatriots in South America, we're always happy.  We always get the impression that the media doesn't...

Denak Bat of Cañuelas. 60 in red, green, white, … and...

Centro Danak Bat Cañuelas
Sixty years ago, in July of 1955, the Basque Center of Cañuelas, in Buenos Aires province, was founded.  And we wanted to join in...

The Free School of Basque Thought at the UNLP in Argentina...

Jornadas sobre cooperativismo vasco organizadas por el Instituto de Estudios Cooperativos de la Facultad y la Cátedra Libre de Pensamiento Vasco
The National University of La Plata (UNLP) is a public university in Argentina, considered one of the two leading institutions of higher learning in the...

Buenos Aires, 1921: when the ikurriña became the Basque flag

Ikurriña y bandera de Argentina portada del boletín de abril de 1921 del Laurak Bat de Buenos Aires
Today we wanted to bring you an article in the Basque newspaper Deia.  Now we know we have the rule to not reference any media...

Manuel de Ynchausti, the Philippine-born Basque patriot we need to know

Manuel Ynchausti with Lehendakari Agirre at Mr. Ynchausti’s home in White Plains, New York, November 1942. Photo: Ynchausti Foundation Archives.
  Jean-Claude Larronde studied at the Instituto of Political Studies and the School of Law in Bordeaux.  In 1972, the defended his doctoral thesis on...

Two major donations to the Basque Diaspora Archives: the family archives...

Andres de Irujo y  Manuel de Ynchausti
Yesterday, on the International Day of Archives, the Basque Government announced a major donation of two family archives of extraordinary importance to the Basque Historical...

Amaia Gabantxo. Video-Poems by Basque Poets Translated into English (5, 6,...

#BasqueVideoPoems tercera entrega. Amaia Gabantxo
With this third entry in this series, we bring you the videos that complete the artistic project Amaia Gabantxo has been bringing us, titled...

Mikel Ezkerro: the Patriot, the Sower, and the Living Memory of...

foto Mikel Ezkerro - Emilia Bastida
It was recently his birthday, so we wanted to write an entry on Mikel Ezkerro, an important figure in Basque culture in Argentina and...