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Tag: Basque Culture

The Forbes review of the “Baztan Trilogy” by Basque author Dolores...

La versión cinematográfica de "La Trilogía del Baztán" de Dolores Redondo, emitida por netflix, comentada en Forbes
The Forbes website's review of the "Baztan Trilogy" by Basque author Dolores Redondo

A route to discover the Basque presence in Tres Arroyos, Argentina

Centro vasco de Tres Arroyos, el corazon de la comunidad vasca ene esta ciudad argentina
La ciudad argentina de Tres Arroyos ha preparado unos circuitos para explicar las aportaciones de diferentes comunidades nacionales, entre ellas la vasca

John R. Bopp, our English-language editor, is one of the “faces”...

John R. Bopp en Euskaraldia 2020
John R. Bopp nuestro editor de inglés, se ha convertido en una de las «caras» de Euskaraldia 2020 y hoy ha entrado en miles de casas vascas a través de ETB

Presenting the Summary Video for the Day of the Diaspora 2020

Día de la Diaspora 2020. Las mujeres han sido en Euzkadi y en el mundo l fuerza que ha unido a nuestra nación
The Basque Government has just debuted the video summarizing the contributions of the Basque community abroad to the celebration of the 2020 Day of the Basque Diaspora

From the Basque Country: committed, united, and in solidarity: the way...

ETB Maratoia 2020 Covid-19
This year, the EITB Maratoia is focused on raising funds to fight COVID-19. This video is just the start of a participation campaign in which we can all take part, in solidarity

“Basques in the Atlantic World, 1450-1824”: An Approach to Basque History...

Today, we'd like to bring you a work by Xabier Lamikiz, professor at the Department of Public Policy and Economic History at the University of...

The accordion is strengthening the Basque community in Idaho, helping to...

Ansotegui’s band, Amuma Says No, performed at the Idaho Botanical Gardens in August.
Boise State Public Radio (part of the NPR network) has published an article by Arlie Sommer discussing the power of music and dance as integrating...

“Mr. Basque”: the deep commitment of US researcher William A. Douglass...

William A. Douglass and Jon Bilbao
Euskal Kazeta is the main news source for the Basque community in the United States.  It was founded in 2009, and you can check...

Euskal Herriko Dantzari Eguna 2020. #HerritikMundura, or #MundutikMundura?

Saint Pierre et Miquelon  celebra Euskal Herriko Dantzari Eguna 2020
(Basque Country Dancers' Day 2020: #FromtheCountrytotheWorld, or #FromtheWorldtotheWorld ?) On Saturday, October 3, the 2020 Euskal Herriko Dantzari Eguna (EHDE2020 (Basque Country Dance Day)) was held. ...

Maria Elena Etcheverry: a pillar of everything Basque in the Americas...

Maria Elena Etcheverry en un stand de la Editorial Ekin
The name of Dr. Maria Elena Etcheverry, MD is infallibly tied to the spread and defense of Basque culture in Argentina and throughout the...