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Tag: Basque cider

‘Conde Nast Traveler’ invites its readers to get to know the...

La Sidreria Zelaia protagonista del artículo de Conde Nast Traveler sobre las sidrerías gipuzkoanas
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Conde Nast Traveler has just published a very interesting article by Benjamin Kemper (who we've already blogged about...

Air Canada travels to San Sebastian to discover the ciderhouses and...

Imágenes de la visita a las sidrerías dela periodista de Air Canada
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Renowned Canadian chef and food critic Chris Nuttall-Smith, writing for the Air Canada magazine, has just published an...

A Basque-Canadian connection “transports” a Basque ciderhouse to Vancouver

Orchard & The Sea. Una sideria de inspiración vasca en Vancouver
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Venezuelan-Canadian chef Jefferson Alvarez and the owners of Txotx Basque Imports, Kelly Chomat and Shawn Pisio, are three...

Basques are the “guests of honor” at the 2016 Smithsonian Folklife...

The Smithsonian Institution Building, better known as the Smithsonian Castle. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith, courtesy of the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our regular readers will already have heard that that Basque Culture is going to be the star at...

CBS recommends celebrating Thanksgiving with Basque cider and vermouth (video)

Those who'd like to discover and enjoy the secrets of Basque cider should not miss our summary of experiences This Morning airs every morning on...

New York Times: Irouléguy wines…Irresistible!

The New York Times has published an article about the Northern Basque Country and its amazing Irouléguy wines.

Basque cider praised in the ‘New York Times’

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: the New York Times has a certain fondness for us.  If you don't believe us,...