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Tag: Basques in the world

Ukraine 1937—Basque Country 2023: Solidarity must go both ways

Niños vascos de la Guerra en Jersón 1937.  Del lobor «Niños Vascos Evacuados En 1937.  Album Historico«
In a book by Gregorio Arrien about the Basque War Children, we came across a series of photos which, despite dating from 1937, are still meaningful today

Basque whalers in Iceland on the website of the US Library...

Mapa de Islandia Abraham Ortelius 1587 Ruderman Antique Maps Inc
The blog of the Library of Congress has dedicated an entry to the 32 Basque whalers who were killed in Iceland in 1615

Save the Children! The book about the Basque war children...

Cabecera del artículo sobre el libro "Salvad a los niños" de Gregorio Arrien
The Sabino Arana Foundation is publishing a new digital edition of Gregorio Arrien's book about the Basque war children who took refuge in Great Britain

An ‘aurresku’ for the new auxiliary bishop of Santiago, Chile

Aurresku en la Ordenación Episcopal de Álvaro Chordi Miranda como obispo titular de Regiana y auxiliar de Santiago de Chile
An 'aurresku' was performed by three 'dantzaris' from the Euskadiko Lagunak group at the ordination of auxiliar bishop Álvaro Chordi Miranda in Santiago, Chile

An immense source of information about Basque surnames in Argentina and...

Vascos en América. Celebración vasca en Buenos Aires
We bring you the work of the Historia y Genealogía Hispanoamericana blog, which offers us a wide range of interesting information on Basque surnames

The 2022 National Basque Week is being held in Macachín, Argentina

Semana Nacional Vasca en Argentina 2022
This third annual National Basque Week is being organized by the Euzko Alkartasuna Basque Center in Macachín, Argentina

Florencio de Basaldua, the man who dreamed of uniting the Basque...

Florencio Basaldúa en la casa de la estancia %22Sol de Mayo%22 en Rawson
The ADNSUR+ website shares the story of the man who dreamed of united the Basque people of Chubut at the end of the 19th century

A double article in four Basque newspapers about Basque-Peruvian journalist “Paco”...

Paco Igartua, dirigió «Oiga» en tiempos de profundos cambios sociales y políticos del Perú
Basque newspapers in the Grupo Noticias group have published a two-part article about Peruvian journalist "Paco" Igartua, written by Josu Legarreta

500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the globe. We’re giving...

Portada La vuelta de Elkano. El molesto triunfo de la gente corriente de Eduardo Santamaria Urtiaga
On the 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the globe, we're giving away an essay about Elkano by Enrique Santamaría which was just published by Eusko Ikaskuntza

Francisco “Paco” Igartua: the 99th anniversary of the birth of this...

Francisco "Paco" Igartua
Today marks the 99th anniversary of the birth of Basque-Peruvian journalist Francisco "Paco" Igartua. With this entry, we begin a series on his life and work