When something’s great, it’s great. And that’s the case of Navarrese audio-visual director Borja Lezaun, with Dennis “Patxi” Koikai, and with the other Masai stars of this video that is fantastic, imaginative, amazing, and whatever else one can think of.
Today, as we sometimes do, we’re breaking our rule about avoiding local media, because this video simply cannot be missed.
The story behind this video started with a trip Borja Lezaun took to Africa, as Virginia Urieta so expertly tells from Pamplona in Noticias de Navarra, as she spoke with the director about this phenomenal video that helps us to remember that Sanfermines are almost here. Heck, we’re already on the fourth step of the “Escalerica“.
We’re not going to go on any longer, because the video is quite self-explanatory, and the report gives us the context and explains how this video came to be.
Zorionak for this magnificent video and…
Gora San Fermin!!!
Noticias de Navarra – 4/4/2022- Euskadi
Patxi, el masái que espera los Sanfermines
Si los corredores del encierro fueran guerreros masái, en un pequeño pueblo de Kenia, las hienas, las jirafas y los leones harían las veces de toros en un marco inigualable en el que la llanura, vestida de tierra color paja, acogería todo tipo de bailes a cielo abierto y las fachadas de las casas de adobe servirían como frontón improvisado en el mayor ritual de la aldea.
(Follow) (Automatic translation)
Header photo: Still from Borja Lezaun’s video about Sanfermines with the Masai.
Last Updated on Apr 5, 2022 by About Basque Country