This article was translated by John R. Bopp
Every year, Bizkaia Talent holds a big conference, which is the culmination of their networking work among Basque professionals and businesses around the world. It’s a project that’s attracting interest from businesspeople, firms, and the media, with the goal, as we’ve said before, of getting all those talented people our society invested so much in to come home.
This year, the conference is being held in Munich, and it’s going to be the largest and most important so far. Over 200 Basque professionals from around the world, and representatives from over forty Basque companies are going to have some 600 encounters between them that we’re sure will result in agreements so that Basques working abroad can come home with excellent working conditions.
This is something that we as a society need to reflect on. How is it possible that professionals educated in our country can’t find work worthy of them in their homeland and have to go abroad where they are offered work and pay that is worthy of them, where they can start a career, only then to hear that our firms are complaining that they can’t find well-prepared professionals and have to go abroad to get them back?
As we said in an earlier entry on this topic, “If our industry wants to be competitive and attract the best talent, its only option is to begin treating our young workers as European or foreign companies do: with the respect and dignity they deserve.”
It’s great that our professionals go abroad and learn, compare, and share knowledge and experience with the world’s best. But it’s then absolutely necessary that they come back.
Next week, we’ll report on how well the conference went, as this is a topic that interests, and concerns, us a great deal. Our “raw materials”, our main source of wealth as a country, is our people, and we can’t afford to lose the best.
Bizkaia Talent – 2017 – Euskadi
Décima Be Basque Talent Conference que este año se celebrará en Múnich
El talento vasco se extiende cada vez más por cualquier parte del mundo, por esto, es fundamental la labor que se realiza desde Bizkaia Talent para construir y fomentar redes de contactos y colaboración que puedan ayudar a desarrollar grandes proyectos e iniciativas en el País Vasco.
(Continue) (Euskera) (Castellano)
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country