This article was translated by John R. Bopp

We’ve already spoken about the Bizkaia Talent initiative by which the Biscay government is trying to get Basque companies and qualified Basque workers currently living abroad in touch with each other.  The idea is to get these talented young people it took so much for Basque society to prepare to want to come home.

We’ve spoken about them because they have been able to offer their message in global media, like the BBC, and also because of their meeting with Basque professionals in Dublin.

In our article about that encounter in Dublin, we explained our vision on this “matter”.

On the one hand, we talked about the reasons that made these young people, who are our country’s greatest asset, are working for other countries.  We also talked about the conditions and difficulties that exist for those young people to return, the ones we believe exist.

Our final conclusion was that there’s a lot more we can improve if we want our young people to come home, or to not leave in the first place.

On this occasion, it’s not us giving an opinion.  At the meeting Bizkaia Talent has just held in London, the general director, Iván Jiménez, has explained, in an interview, what is the perception people have in his institution about how to get this immense wealth of talent back, and what difficulties these people face.

We found these declarations in La Vanguardia, and while we don’t normally reference local media, we thought this matter was sufficiently interesting to our society to talk about it.

Whether you are one of those talented Basque people around the world or you know someone who is, or if you’re part of an organization that needs that talent around the world, don’t hesitate to check out, and sign up.  It’s a network created by Bizkaia Talent to connect all that Basque talent spread around the world.

La Vanguardia – 5/10/2017 – Cataluña

El País Vasco capta en Londres a trabajadores desencantados por el “brexit”

El programa Bizkaia Talent celebró hoy en Londres un evento para movilizar a trabajadores cualificados desencantados con el “brexit” que quieran regresar al País Vasco para continuar allí su carrera laboral.

(Continue) (Automatic Translation)

A sample of the “Basque talent” in London



Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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