This article was translated by John R. Bopp

The Council of the Government, yesterday, June 13, 2017, approved the amount that the Basque Government will send out to support the 190 Euskal Etxeak and federations that can be found in 25 countries around the world.

This year, the amount has increased by €40,000, to a total of €902,307.  As Irekia explains:

“Most of these grants, €782,307, will be for helping annual or specific activities that the Euskal Etxeak organize, preferably in the areas of youth, women, image abroad, and communication and recovery of Historical Memory, as well as operating and current expenses.

The rest of the amount, €120,000, that is, €40,000 more than last year in the infrastructure section, will be for financing, in whole or in part, the expenses and updates that help improve the centers themselves, such as repairing damage caused by natural disaster, eliminating physical barriers to people with limited mobility, the construction of new Basque centers, updating centers for youth, or introducing technology for the development of activities for youth and women.”

Important: the timeframe for Basque Centers to ask for grants expires a month after the announcement is published in the Official Bulletin of the Basque Country.

Irekia – 13/6/2017 – Euskadi 

El Gobierno aprueba la convocatoria de las ayudas a las Euskal Etxeak por un total de 902.307 euros

El Gobierno Vasco ha dado hoy luz verde a la convocatoria de las subvenciones que va a conceder este año, a través de la Secretaría General de Acción Exterior, a los Centros Vascos, Federaciones y Confederaciones de Centros Vascos -Euskal Etxeak de fuera de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. Las ayudas previstas suman un total de 902.307 euros,  lo que supone  un incremento de 40.000 euros con respecto al ejercicio anterior,

(Continue) (Automatic translation)

Entrance of the Laurak Bat Basque Center in Buenos Aires (photo by Gorka Berasain)



Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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