This article was translated by John R. Bopp

Not that we want to interfere in the domestic politics of the US, although given the influence this country has on the lives of everyone one the planet, there are times we’d really like to.  Today, we’re speaking about a person who’s running for US Senator for the state of Utah, by the name of James Singer.

This is not the first time we’ve talked about American politicians of Basque descent.  We’ve already talked about John Garamendi, Adam Laxalt, and Rafa Anchia.  But this is the first time we’re talking about an American politician who isn’t of Basque descent, and we’re doing so quite happily because he brings together many interesting elements.

Firstly, he’s a Navajo, a practicing Mormon, and a Democrat, and he’s a member of the Basque Club of Utah.  We found this surprising, so we asked him, and he answered us.  Firstly, because his wife is of Basque descent.  As he himself explained, “her grandmother moved from Euskadi to Venezuela during the dictatorship”.

Secondly, because this young Navajo is educated, capable, and committed.  His profile, which we share below, tells it all.  As Basque patriots, we found his commitment to the defense of the rights of the First Nations especially commendable.

Thirdly, because of his platform.  His principles for running for Senator are impeccable.  They’re the right ones to move a society forward in Freedom and Justice in the 21st century, the principles that make a society want to be better.

We need a viable alternative to the excesses of capitalism, a reckoning of our racialized history and systemic oppression, a better system to overcome gender inequality, and a vision to live more sustainably within our ecological environment.

We know he has a hard road ahead.  But, if it were easy, we’d all be senators.  His fight will be hard and unequal, much like, as regards unequal strength, the struggle the Basques (including his wife’s grandmother) had when trying to defend Democracy and Freedom in their country.

We’re sure that the leaders of those Basques, led by Lehendakari Aguirre, would agree with the principles James Singer defends, because, when adapted to a slightly different reality, they’re the same ones they defended, and on which the great movements that created the Europe of Democracy and Social Justice are based.

In summary, they are the basic principles for creating a free nation of free people.

Mr. Singer and his wife have a beautiful daughter, who’s very lucky.  One, for having parents who are committed to society, and also because, at the same time, she’s Navajo, Basque, and American.  

Below, we’re sharing the report in the Salt Lake Tribune about his candidacy, Mr. Singer’s website, which gives an overview of his project for the Senate, and his fundraising website (remember, only US citizens and permanent residents may contribute).

We wish him the best of luck in his Senate run, which is the same as wishing the residents of Utah the best of luck.

The Salt Lake Tribune – 3/5/2017 – USA

Navajo candidate announces bid as Democrat for Hatch’s seat

He’s Navajo. He’s Mormon. He’s a Democrat. And he plans to challenge Sen. Orrin Hatch. Meet James Singer, the 34-year-old who believes he can unseat the seven-term Utah Republican, who appears poised to seek re-election. “Orrin Hatch has been in [office] longer than I’ve been alive,” Singer joked. Billing himself as a millennial’s candidate — his campaign motto is “It’s time for a new generation to represent Utahns” — Singer first thought about a political run during one of the handful of Salt Lake City rallies after President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January. He declared to the crowd of 100 people that “in 2018, there should be native people running in every contest.”

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Singer for Senate

Singer for Senate

James Singer Senate

We need a viable alternative to the excesses of capitalism, a reckoning of our racialized history and systemic oppression, a better system to overcome gender inequality, and a vision to live more sustainably within our ecological environment.

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Crowdpac – 2017 – USA

It’s time for a New Generation! Singer for Senate 2018

Confronting the uncomfortable facts of our social problems is the first step to eliminating them. In fact, there is a long history of people in our country working together, as groups and communities, to move society into a place where people can prosper. Surely, today, with so many advancements, we can figure out how to solve our most pressing social problems

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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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