This article was translated by John R. Bopp

In August of 2011, we published a big scoop.  We were able to enjoy, three days before it was to be published, an article in the New York Times called “36 Hours in San Sebastian, Spain”.

The ‘New York Times’ publishes yet another article about San Sebastian in their “36 Hours in…” series.

A while back, in May 2015, it was Bilbao’s turn to be added to the list of cities the American daily (that we’re so fond of) dedicated one of their “36 Hours in…” articles to.

And now, practically five years after their first visit, this newspaper has published a new “36 Hours in San Sebastian, Spain” article, penned once again by Ingrid K. Williams, a journalist the City of San Sebastian (and we say this completely seriously) ought to give an award to for her excellent work spreading the word about the city.

If our readers are wondering why we’re saying this, we’d ask them to go over the four (with this one, five) articles we’ve written about this journalist.

We’re not going to repeat the routes taken or recommendations made in the article.  Again, a choices had to be made to select the right places and establishments, meaning that some appear and others don’t.  We’re sure this list wouldn’t be our readers’ ideal, but making such a list that we’d all agree on would be practically impossible.

We just need to thank, once again, Ingrid K. Williams for her fondness for our country, and for San Sebastian in particular.  We hope she’ll continue talking about us often in her reports, be it San Sebastian or any other corner of the Land of the Basques.

New York Times – 20/10/2016 – USA

36 Hours in San Sebastián, Spain

The identity of San Sebastián as a seaside resort began over a century ago, when this wild stretch of Atlantic coast was favored by Spanish royals on holiday. Since then, Donostia — as the alluring city is known in Basque — has also established itself as a world-class gastro-paradise. And now, as a 2016 European Capital of Culture, the city has begun to again reinvent itself, this time as a cultural destination. So when fall’s cooler temperatures force all but the hardiest surfers to abandon the beaches, you’ll still find myriad enticements to feast on — from fine art and architecture to local design and craft beer — before the pintxo bars beckon.

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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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