This article was tranlated by Iustrans


We do not know what the author of the article published by the Agency France Presse had in mind when he analyzed the Basque and Catalan election results. We do not know whether the tone of the article is the result of fatigue caused by monitoring the results; whether someone simply told him what to write; whether he had no idea what he was writing about; or whether he simply did not like the results.

The reasons for his interpretation of the results are beyond our knowledge. However, we do know the consequences, which are that millions of people worldwide are reading “information” with headlines like:

  • Decline of the pro-independists
  • Basque and Catalan pro-independence diminished after the elections
  • Secessionists from Catalonia and the Basque Country suffer a setback in the polls

It doesn’t matter that the data is later included in the article (which has nothing to do with the headline).  It doesn’t matter because he explains the data in such a convoluted manner that no one (apart from people well versed in Basque or Catalan politics) would be able to understand past the article’s headline.

He does not explain that the new political party “Podemos” has never declared itself as “unionist”, as other parties have done (such as the PP, PSOE or Ciudadanos).  He forgets to explain that in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the changes in political power in the municipalities have been within “pro-sovereignty” parties or from “unionists” to “pro-sovereignty” parties.

Nor does he explain that the “pro-sovereignty” Basque and Catalan parties have increased, or at least maintained, their percentage of votes while the “unionists” have taken a clear downward turn.

Moreover, there is not a single line in the article pointing out that the next president of Navarra’s regional government is going to be the head of a nationalist group called Geroa Bai. Nor does he mention that it’s very likely for something similar to happen in the city of Pamplona.

He creates a real ceremony of confusion that could easily be solved by providing a small table with the results. You only need to add and sort through the data to see that there’s only one possible conclusion: the pro-sovereignty movement keeps growing in the Basque Country and in Catalonia, with an indisputable social majority. Besides, in some municipalities, it seems clear that they could be supported by a significant proportion of the independent candidate voters or by the “Podemos” voters.

The only parties that have had a significant drop; the only parties that suffered a setback; the only parties in decline; the only parties hit by the results are the “unionists”. In other words, the political parties that, in the Kingdom of Spain, object to the possibility of two nations, the Basque and Catalan, freely deciding on their future.

We are posting a table with the results and a few references that demonstrate how much damage a reporting agency can do to the truth when it incorrectly describes reality. This is another reason for why it is so important that the Basques (and the Catalans) generate their own information.

Election Results for May 24, 2015 in the Basque Country and Catalonia
Resultados de las elecciones en Euskadi y Cataluña. Mayo de 2015



EM Digital – 25-5-2015 – Brasil

Separatismos basco e catalão perdem espaço nas eleições

Os separatistas bascos e catalães sofreram um duro golpe nas eleições municipais de domingo na Espanha, perdendo cidades-chave conquistadas há quatro anos como Barcelona, a capital de Catalunha, e San Sebastián, no País Basco. Os separatistas de esquerda bascos da coalizão EH Bildu deixaram de ser a maior força municipal na região com 896 vereadores em comparação às 1.017 cadeiras conquistadas pelos nacionalistas conservadores do PNV, que recuperaram a maioria.



La Nación  –  26/5/2015  – Argentina

Secesionistas de Cataluña y País Vasco sufren revés en las urnas

Los independentistas vascos y catalanes cedieron terreno en las elecciones municipales del domingo en España, y perdieron bastiones clave, conquistados hace cuatro años como Barcelona, la capital de Cataluña, o San Sebastián, en el País Vasco. Los independentistas de izquierda vascos de la coalición EH Bildu dejan de ser la primera fuerza municipal en la región con 896 concejales, frente a los 1.017 que logran los nacionalistas conservadores del PNV, que recuperan la primera plaza.



Teletica – 25/5/2015 Costa Rica

Los independentismos vasco y catalán tocados tras las elecciones

Los independentistas vascos y catalanes cedieron terreno en las elecciones municipales del domingo en España, perdiendo bastiones clave conquistados hace cuatro años como Barcelona, la capital de Cataluña, o San Sebastián en el País Vasco.  Los independentistas de izquierda vascos de la coalición EH Bildu dejan de ser la primera fuerza municipal en la región con 896 concejales frente a los 1.017 que logran los nacionalistas conservadores del PNV, que recuperan la primera plaza.



Milenio –  25/5/2015 -México

Independentismos vasco y catalán, tocados tras las elecciones

Mientras los nacionalistas catalanes de CiU perdían Barcelona, cuya alcaldía lograron en 2011, en el País Vasco los independentistas de izquierda de EH Bildu perdieron su supremacía ante el histórico PNV.



El Universal – 26/5/2015 – México


Los independentistas vascos y catalanes cedieron terreno en las elecciones municipales del domingo en España, perdiendo bastiones clave conquistados hace cuatro años como Barcelona, la capital de Cataluña, o San Sebastián en el País Vasco.



Rio Negro – 26/5/2015 – Argentina

Independentistas, en retroceso

Los independentistas vascos y catalanes cedieron terreno en las elecciones municipales del domingo en España, perdiendo bastiones clave conquistados hace cuatro años como Barcelona, la capital de Cataluña, o San Sebastián en el País Vasco. Los independentistas de izquierda vascos de la coalición EH Bildu dejan de ser la primera fuerza municipal en la región con 896 concejales frente a los 1.017 que logran los nacionalistas conservadores del PNV, que recuperan la primera plaza.



Swissinfo – 25/5/2015 – Suiza

Separatismos basco e catalão perdem espaço nas eleições

Os separatistas bascos e catalães sofreram um duro golpe nas eleições municipais de domingo na Espanha, perdendo cidades-chave conquistadas há quatro anos como Barcelona, a capital de Catalunha, e San Sebastián, no País Basco. Os separatistas de esquerda bascos da coalizão EH Bildu deixaram de ser a maior força municipal na região com 896 vereadores em comparação às 1.017 cadeiras conquistadas pelos nacionalistas conservadores do PNV, que recuperaram a maioria.



Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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