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Tag: sovereignty

The Economist: the “appropriate” defense of “regional language” or the acceptance...

The struggle to preserve regional languages. The Economist
The column on languages in 'The Economist,' Johnson, discusses the need for "regional" languages to accept their secondary role

Again: Lies and falsehoods about the Basque and Navarrese Economic Agreements,...

An explanation behind the reasons for why the Basque Community and Navarrese Economic Agreements are a key piece of information to understanding the present and the future of the Basques, as well as being an element of sovereignty

The anticolonialism of Sabino Arana, the founder of Basque nationalism (video)

Sabino Arana en la prisión de Larrinaga (1895)
Historians Jean-Claude Larronde and Luis de Guezala explain to us Sabino de Arana's strong feelings against colonialism

The Independence of Peru: Thoughts, valid for all democracies, on its...

Desembarco de José de San Martin, Libertador del Perú, en Paracas
Josu Legarreta shares his thoughts on the causes of the birth of the New World republics and the dangers they face in the 21st century

The bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence of Peru and the...

el general San martín declara la independencia del Perú el 28 de julio de 1821
We introduce a series of articles on the Republics of the New World and the roles Basques played, before, during, and after the republics were born

Aberri Eguna 2021. Building a nation with the support of the...

ikurriña Aberri Eguna 2021 facebook
A global Aberri Eguna that seeks to create collaborative networks among the Basques of the world, and the manifesto of the Limako Arantzazu Euzko Etxea

Víctor Zuluaga Gómez on the Nobility of the Basques: Better to...

Cartago Colombia
On our daily search for articles related to anything and everything Basque, we recently came across a Colombian publication, EJE 21, which has an opinion...

1945—2020. Against totalitarianism: Gora Euzkadi Azkatuta!

De Gaulle saluda militarmente a la ikurriña tras la batalla de Point de Grave  abril 1945
Five years ago, on the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Point de Grave, we wrote an article to remember what the members of...

Aberri Eguna 2020: Ikurriñas “waving” on the Internet, and a Manifesto...

Aberri Eguna 2020
Aberri Eguna 2020: the Ikurriña as a symbol of the Basque Homeland and of Freedom Since we started this blog, we've always dedicated a very...

We’re joining Gure Esku Dago’s Manifesto on the ‘Procès’ Sentencing

Imagen del juicio del proces
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Over the years, on many occasions, we've spoken about the Right to Self-Determination in general, and about the...