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More and more car manufacturers are opting to present their models in the Country of the Basques. Recently, we have come across several news items on such presentations.

The reasons for this are, in our view, evident. The combination of tradition, modernity, design, technology, history, and fun offered by this country is perfect for the presentation of a vehicle. They are very attractive identity markers for any car manufacturer. And, what could be better, after a presentation to specialized press of a new model, than a good meal…

Well-maintained roads, from highways to winding paths in the mountains or cliffs that overlook the Bay of Biscay, add to the appeal.

Jaguar, one of the most traditional automobile brands in Britain, now in the hands of the Indian group Tata, seems to have grown fond of presenting their models in the Basque Country. The first news of a presentation of a model of this brand in Euskadi came in August 2013. when the Jaguar F-Type was introduced in the middle of the Araban-Riojan vineyards.

Now, Jaguar has introduced another model: the Jaguar XE. This revolutionary model, both for its technology and for its price, has been tested on Basque roads.

Pasquale Di Santillo recounted his experience and his feelings in an article in the Italian Corriere dello Sport. We will not go into the technical details of the new model because it is not our business. Of interest to us is that Jaguar returned to the Basque Country. They have also expanded the space to present their new “feline”.

We specially like a phrase that relates the character of the model to the country in which it is presented:

Una sorta di legittima rivendicazione autonoma, come le regioni di questa sorprendente Spagna attraversata per oltre 500 chilometri a bordo di Jaguar XE,

Well, autonomy it is not bad. But both felines and nations do not belong in fenced and patrolled reserves. The great outdoors is surely more fitting that than a 3×2 meter cage. The natural state of both is Freedom.

To those in charge at Jaguar, we must say how happy we are to have them showing off their new kittens on our roads. After all, it is natural to unite the history, tradition, quality, technology and exclusivity of a big car company and of a country.

Corriere dello Sport – 8/5/2015 – Italia

Jaguar XE, in pista fa paura! La prova

Dall’oceano verde disteso tra i Paesi Baschi e la Navarra arriva un messaggio piuttosto forte: la XE è una Jaguar pronta ad insidiare il predominio delle berline premium tedesche. Tradizione e spirito sono quelli di sempre. Eleganza perfettamente sposata al cuore sportivo del Giaguaro, ma tutto trasportato su un piano più accessibile, quotidiano, prezzi compresi. Una dimensione più “terrestre”, capace di trasformare una macchina da strada in una da corsa e viceversa: BMW Serie 3, Mercedes Classe C e Audi A4 sono avvisate.

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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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