Those who’d like to discover and enjoy the secrets of Basque cider should not miss our summary of experiences

This Morning airs every morning on CBS from 7:00 to 9:00, and is watched by about 3.5 million Americans.

This past November 15, in their cooking section “The Dish”, the special guest was chef Frank McClelland, owner of one of the most prestigious restaurants in the US, the L’Espalier in Boston.  As Thanksgiving is approaching, the chef decided to offer some ideas for a traditional feast.

So far, so normal; the reason we’re bringing it up is that alongside the turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, the chef recommends washing it all down with a glass of Basque cider and vermouth from Araba.

The cider and vermouth recommended by chef Frank McClelland on CBS’s “Good Morning”

The cider they recommend is sold by Shacksbury, a company specialized in offering “non-industrial” ciders to the US market.  The chef’s recommendation is Shacksbury Basque, made with Basque apples chosen in Astigarraga by José Joaquín Otaño and his daughter Ainara.

The second component in this combo is a vermouth manufactured by what might be considered the oldest company in the Basque Country, and one of the oldest family-run companies in Europe.  We’re referring to Destilerias Acha in Amurrio (Araba), and specifically to their Atxa Vino Vermouth Rojo

Honestly, we weren’t that surprised to find references to quality cider in the US.  If we go back over some of the entries we’ve had about this beverage, we can see there are numerous interesting references, including one in the New York Times which was also published around Thanksgiving, recommending Basque cider to accompany the meal.

CBS This Morning – 15/11/2014 – USA

Chef Frank McClelland brings cider-glazed roast duck to THE Dish

Award-winning chef Frank McClelland knows how to get his hands dirty. Some of his earliest memories are of digging potatoes on his grandfather’s farm in New Hampshire. McClelland later worked at Boston’s L’Espalier restaurant — then bought the place, and turned it into a star. Make that four stars actually, from the Boston Globe and the prestigious Mobil Travel Guide, plus a James Beard Award to McClellan as best chef in the Northeast.

The video can be watched on CBS’s webiste
(Follow) (Automatic translation)


El que quiera conocer, y disfrutar, los secretos de la sidra vasca, no debe perderse nuestra recopilación de experiencias

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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