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Tag: the image of the Basques

A tour of Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

Wool Grower Restaurant (Bakersfield, CA)
The Yelp website has published an article about the restaurants that best represent Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

From India: San Sebastian to promote sustainable tourism

Vista panorámica de  San Sebastian - Donostia. GETTY
San Sebastian is trying to strike a balance between being a city that welcomes tourists without losing its essence and its quality of life for its residents

Agreement between the port authorities in Bilbao and Uruguay: strengthening history

Firma entre la autoridad portuaria de Bilbao y de Urugay
Agreement between the port authorities in Bilbao and Uruguay: strengthening the historical influence of the Basque port in Latin America

Buenos Aires honors, once again, its Basque community

Buenos Aires celebra País Vasco 2015
This article was tranlated by Iustrans This Sunday, May 10, the fourth edition of the event "Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country" will take place....