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Tag: Spanish Civil War

On Flavio Ajuriaguerra on the 75th anniversary of his death, or...

Flavio Ajuriaguerra visitando en la carcel a su hermano Juan Ajuriaguerra
On the 75th anniversary of the death of Flavio Ajuriaguerra, we've had the opportunity to publish some thoughts to share in Deia about this...

The day the Basques became San Lorenzo fans

El tercer gol de Lángara con el San Lorenzo contra el River
The Argentine daily El 9 de Julio, named after the day of Argentine independence, was founded in 1909 in the town of Nueve de Julio,...

The murders of Espinosa and Lauaxeta; police and GAL victims, and...

Dana emon biar yako matte dan azkatasunari In his memory, we again with all our readers that which he dreamed of: Health and a Basque...

“Havens East” at Anglia Ruskin University. The memory of the...

Llegada de los niños vascos de la guerra al campamento en Gran Bretaña
We have to admit, we don't know what happens to all the profits from the so-called National Lottery in Spain end up, but according...

Manuel de Ynchausti, the Philippine-born Basque patriot we need to know

Manuel Ynchausti with Lehendakari Agirre at Mr. Ynchausti’s home in White Plains, New York, November 1942. Photo: Ynchausti Foundation Archives.
  Jean-Claude Larronde studied at the Instituto of Political Studies and the School of Law in Bordeaux.  In 1972, the defended his doctoral thesis on...

Basque Chronicles: 700 Killed in La Ribera: the Three Months of...

Ramon Masats- Sanfermines Pamplona 1956. La tragedia y la barbarie convertida en juego
Santi Lorente is someone our regular readers will remember, thanks to the "Confinement Chronicles" he brought us throughout the first weeks of the pandemic,...

“Open Arms, Broken Hearts”: 83rd Anniversary of the Voyage of the...

On this day, May 21, in 1937, the Habana set sail from the Port of Bilbao with thousands of Basque boys and girls bound for...

Can thickheadedness offend the memory of those murdered in the Bombing...

On March 20, we came across the ignominious article published on the The Aviation Geek Club website, where Italian Dario Leone, the site's founder...

70th Anniversary of The El Paraíso Basque Center in Caracas

70 aniversario nauguracion centro vasco de Caracas en Paraiso
This new Basque Center in Caracas, in the El Paraíso neighborhood, was inaugurated with top honors, and even the presence of Lehendakari Aguirre, on...

Latest edition of the Natalia Benjamin Prize, organized by the UK...

The Basque Children of '37 Association (UK) (BCA’37 UK) is an old friend of the blog, as we've had the change to get to...