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Tag: Sidra vasca

A Basque cider festival in Brooklyn. Sagar Handia Fest 2024 at...

Sagar Handia Fest 2024 New Yrok
On March 17, the New York Basque Center will be hosting the 2024 Sagar Handia Fest in Brooklyn

Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin...

Euskal Sagardoa/Sidra del País Vasco, Cidre du País Basque/Euskal Sagarnoa. denominación transfronteriza
Basque cider is to have the first cross-border designation of origin in Europe and will incorporate all Basque territories

The Basque Bamboo: the Autumn Cocktail in New York

Basque Bamboo Bar Vinazo Brooklyn NYC -  LIZZIE MUNRO
A new cocktail made of Basque vermouth, Basque cider, and dry sherry, a variant of the Bamboo called the Basque Bamboo, is taking over Brooklyn

National Geographic: cider’s key role in the history of the Basques

La sidra se escancia de un barril en la Sidrería Barkaiztegi, donde la misma familia ha producido sidra desde 1680.  FOTOGRAFÍA DE AGEFOTOSTOCK, ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
National Geographic has published an article on their website about the key role cider has played in Basque culture, society, and economy over the centuries