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Tag: History of the Basques

Bilbao – Moscow – Buenos Aires: the story of a Basque...

Marina Gonzalez de Apodaca, una niña de la guerra de Bilbao que fue a la URSS y acabó en Argentina
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our regular readers know how interested we are in the Basque war children, those young boys and girls...

A Norwegian sea dog in Bilbao’s Norway

A Norwegian sea dog in Bilbao's Norway
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Unai Aranzadi is again collaborating with our blog bringing us a look into one of the most colorful...

The abolition of Basque freedoms in the Northern Basque Country, a...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Talitha Ilacqua is a specialist in Basque and French history, and a doctoral candidate at King’s College in...

An homage and recognition of the Basque contribution to the “cowboy...

Bertsolariak at the National Basque Festival in Elko. Photo by Meg Glaser.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Upgrade:  List of participants. BASQUE, BASQUE-AMERICAN and OTHER SPECIAL GUESTS At the end of January 2018, the 34th Annual...

The survival of the Basque language: can it be explained by...

Restos arqueológicos excavados en Portugal, de los cuales los investigadores han extraído ADN (Rui Parreira)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is what was insinuated by the authors of a study published on Thursday in PLOS Genetics and...

Iruña/Pamplona 2017: “We are Basque”, Gora San Fermin! (video)

plaza de toros de Iruña "Gu euskaldunak gara"
This article was translated by John R. Bopp As always happens, Pamplona’s San Fermín festival has taken over the international media.  Every year we get the...

Gernika, the occupation of Bilbao, the Exile, and the 21st Century...

Entrada de las tropas rebeldes en Bilbao y su "recibimiento"
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve been sitting on this story for a while.  It’s about an article by Julian Zabalbeascoa, from Los...

A look back at what travelers thought of the Basque Country...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’re going to make another exception to our rule of only looking at non-local media at our blog...

The British sailors who broke the Francoist blockade on Bilbao

El Backworth. El buque que eligió the Spanish Relief Fund (creada en Gran Bretaña para proporcionar ayuda humanitaria) para enviar alimentos y suministros médicos a Bilbao.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our fourth article in a series dedicated to publications in the Tyne & Wear Museum’s blog about the...

French public television pays homage to Eresoinka this Sunday

This article was translated by John R. Bopp How excited are we!  This is a year of commemorations.  Most of them are due to the disasters...