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Tag: Great Britain

The surprising story of the Mundaka “left wave”

Imagen de Mundaka y su ola izquierda
The surfing website Magic Sea Weed has a section called First Session which tells the stories of the first surfers in different famous places all...

The BBC and the Basque barbecuing tradition, when nothing more needs...

BBC Travel: Where barbecue culture began?
On June 30, the BBC Travel website published an article by Ben Underwater about the Basque tradition of barbecuing. After reading it thoroughly, we could...

Biscay is redesigning its fiscal policy to promote Sustainable Development Goals

The Government of Biscay (BFA) has signed a collaborative agreement with the University College London (UCL) to develop a fiscal policy that helps it...

“Havens East” at Anglia Ruskin University. The memory of the...

Llegada de los niños vascos de la guerra al campamento en Gran Bretaña
We have to admit, we don't know what happens to all the profits from the so-called National Lottery in Spain end up, but according...

The Economist: It would seem Minister Escrivá has not understood why...

Ministro de Seguridad Social, José Luis Escrivá
In its online and print editions, The Economist has just published an article on the "minimum income" that was just passed by the Government of...

“Open Arms, Broken Hearts”: 83rd Anniversary of the Voyage of the...

On this day, May 21, in 1937, the Habana set sail from the Port of Bilbao with thousands of Basque boys and girls bound for...

When Warren de la Rue photographed a total solar eclipse from...

Warren de la Rue fotografiando en 1860 un eclipse total de sol en Rivabellosa Rights: © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, Science Museum Group Collection, CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
We found this story of astronomers photographing the sun from Araba in the middle of the 19th century by accident in Google Arts &...

Latest edition of the Natalia Benjamin Prize, organized by the UK...

The Basque Children of '37 Association (UK) (BCA’37 UK) is an old friend of the blog, as we've had the change to get to...

The Senpere Basque who is the captain of the national rugby...

Charles Ollivon capitán de la seleccion francesa de Rugby (foto AFP)
The Basques north of the Pyrenees have two great sports, pelota and rugby.  We've collected more than a few entries about this sport and the...

Bilbao Style: the looks by a Bilbao pharmacist in Bristol

Patricia Pastor. Una bilbaina en Bristol
If you've been following us for any length of time, you'll know we've brought up Bristol before.  Just a while back, we found this...