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Save the Children! The book about the Basque war children...

Cabecera del artículo sobre el libro "Salvad a los niños" de Gregorio Arrien
The Sabino Arana Foundation is publishing a new digital edition of Gregorio Arrien's book about the Basque war children who took refuge in Great Britain

More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur’s...

The Basque Boys: Enrique Garatea, third right, back row (Credit:The Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University and Gaizka Garamendi of the Basque Children of ’37 Association)
More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur's Court in the Welsh daily Nation Cymru

An article in ‘Nation Cymru’ about the Basque War Children and...

The Basque Boys: Enrique Garatea, third right, back row (Credit:The Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University and Gaizka Garamendi of the Basque Children of ’37 Association)
An article in the Welsh daily 'Nation Cymru' remembering the Basque War Children who took refuge there

The Delegation of the Basque Government in Paris. 1951-2021. 70 years...

Aguirre, en su despacho de la delegación del Gobierno vasco en París. A la derecha, Urkullu y Ortuzar frente a la sede.
Exactly 70 years ago, the French Government expropriated the building where the Basque Government had established its Delegation in Paris and gave it to the Francoists…and it's never been returned

This is Radio Euzkadi, the Voice of the Basque Resistance

An article on the publications of the Basque Press Office This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, February 13, marks World Radio Day, and as if...

The “Basque Boys” who triumphed at soccer at King Arthur’s Court

We'd like to bring you this moving story of the Basque War Children, who took refuge in Wales and created a soccer team