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Tag: Diaspora vasca

1942: Lehendakari Aguirre honored throughout the Americas as a leader of...

Recibimiento al Lehendakari Aguirre en Lima durante su gira americana de 1942. FONDO EDITORIAL REVISTA OIGA
Three years ago, at this time, we dedicated an article to remembering the tour Lehendakari Aguirre made to most Latin American countries in 1942. ...

Aguirre. Reading and reflections about the New World republics from...

Aguirre y Persson con sus familias, en Göteborg, en junio de 1941 © Sabino Arana Fundazioa
Andoni Ortuzar analyzes Lehendakari Aguirre's readings while hiding from the Gestapo in Europe and his thoughts on the republics of the New World

The role of the Basques in the US War of Independence

Rendición de las tropas británicas en la batalla de Yorktown, que significó el final de la Guerra de Independencia de los USA (John Trumbull, 1840)
The Basque contribution to the American patriots in the US War of Independence could be considered decisive. Dr. Robert P. Clark tells us all about it

Thoughts from the Basque Diaspora on the situation in Afghanistan

Limako Arantzazu Eusko Etxea - Lima Basque Center has sent us a statement analyzing the consequences of the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban

The Independence of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, and the roles...

Asamblea presidida por Lavalleja, conocida como «de la Florida», en la que figuran los treinta y tres orientales. 25 de agosto de 1825. Óleo, conservado en el Palacio del Senado de Montevideo, obra de Pedro Blanes Viale
Marie "Mirentxu" Amezaga-Clark paints the tale of the independence process of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, and the role the Basques played in the same

The Independence of Peru: Thoughts, valid for all democracies, on its...

Desembarco de José de San Martin, Libertador del Perú, en Paracas
Josu Legarreta shares his thoughts on the causes of the birth of the New World republics and the dangers they face in the 21st century

“Joining Forces” The Day of the Basque Diaspora 2021. How...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
The Day of the Basque Diaspora is fast approaching. The Basque Government is putting together a virtual agenda of all the activities being organized all over the world to celebrate.

The bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence of Peru and the...

el general San martín declara la independencia del Perú el 28 de julio de 1821
We introduce a series of articles on the Republics of the New World and the roles Basques played, before, during, and after the republics were born

The future of Basque culture is “dancing” out west

Los más jóvenes bailando en el Elko’s National Basque Festival 2021
Some videos from Elko's National Basque Festival show how the future our country's culture is alive and well in the world

July 9th: the Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the first...

La Ikurriña en el Euskaldun Batzokija de Bilbao (14/7/1894) y en el Laurak Bat de Buenos Aires (9/7/1921)
On July 9th, the Laurak Bat Center in Buenos Aires is going to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first time the Ikurriña was raised there