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International Migrants’ Day. Basque Emigrants in the Americas

Edición 2023 de BAC el País Vasco
Marie (Mirentxu) Amezaga Clark tells us the role Basque emigration played in the history of the Americas as part of International Migrants' Day.

2021 Day of the Basque Diaspora: Lehendakari’s Closing Message #EuskalDiaspora

Lehendakari dia de la diáspora 2021
We close our series of entries on the 2021 Day of the Basque Diaspora with a message sent by the Basque Government and the Lehendakari in an official event on this red-letter day

A Missionary’s Greetings from the Bishop of Yurimaguas on the Day...

Saludo de Monseñor Aristín en el Día de la Diaspora Vasca 2021
The Bishop of Yurimaguas, Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín, sends greetings and blessings to the global Basque Community

“Joining Forces” The Day of the Basque Diaspora 2021. How...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
The Day of the Basque Diaspora is fast approaching. The Basque Government is putting together a virtual agenda of all the activities being organized all over the world to celebrate.

A documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield presented by The Smithsonian

Festival de Cine Lengua Materna THE EIGHTH PROVINCE
The Mother Tongue Film Festival, put on by The Smithsonian, is showing a documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield

The celebration of this year’s Day of the Diaspora will be...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Given the trying times brought upon us by COVID-19, the third Day of the Diaspora, which is held on September 8, is going to be...

Day of the Basque Diaspora 2019: light to remember the Basques...

Día de la diaspora vasca 2019
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The second edition of the Day of the Basque Diaspora was held on September 8th in Ispaster.  It...

1954 Basque Festival in Mar del Plata (film courtesy of the...

Imágenes de la sexta Semana Vasca de Mar del Plata (1954)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp To celebrate the new year, the Argentine National General Archive has shared, on Facebook and Twitter, a small...

This is Radio Euzkadi, the Voice of the Basque Resistance

An article on the publications of the Basque Press Office This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, February 13, marks World Radio Day, and as if...

No racism, no ‘ethnicism’. The future of the Basques is...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp In the last few days, we've received some comments on an article we published which have made us...