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Tag: cultura vasca

The Basque Government and the OEI sign an alliance to promote...

The Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu and the Secretary General of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), Mariano Jabonero,
The Basque Government and the OEI have signed an important agreement for Basque collaboration in education, science, and culture in Ibero-America

St. Agatha 2021: sorely missed but still in our hearts (video)

This year, the St. Agatha's Day choirs will not be roaming the streets of the Land of the Basques (which is wherever Basques are), but the tradition is still alive in our hearts

Jaialdi 2020 isn’t Jaialdi 2021 anymore; now it’s Jaialdi 2022. ...

Jaialdi 2022
The poor evolution of the covid-19 pandemic has forced the organizers of the Jaialdi to push back this incredible global Basque Diaspora reunion to July of 2022

The Basque mythological character “Akerbeltz” is the unwitting protagonist of fake...

Akerbeltz Fuego Fatuo Etsy
Una representación artística del el personaje de la mitología vasca, «Akerbeltz» se ha hecho pasar por una nueve especie descubierta en África

Vitoria-Gasteiz, one of National Geographic’s 25 recommendations for 2021

La web de National Geographic  incluye a Vitoria-Gasteiz entre los 25 destinos recomendados en 2021.
The National Geographic website includes Vitoria-Gasteiz on its list of 25 recommendations for 2021, highlighting its history and culture

The Basque Country: building the “Culinary Nation”

Basque Culinary Center
The 'Fine Dining Lovers' website has just published an article analyzing the efforts that have gone into making the Basque Country the "Culinary Nation"

The Forbes review of the “Baztan Trilogy” by Basque author Dolores...

La versión cinematográfica de "La Trilogía del Baztán" de Dolores Redondo, emitida por netflix, comentada en Forbes
The Forbes website's review of the "Baztan Trilogy" by Basque author Dolores Redondo

“Basques in the Atlantic World, 1450-1824”: An Approach to Basque History...

Today, we'd like to bring you a work by Xabier Lamikiz, professor at the Department of Public Policy and Economic History at the University of...

The Day of the Basque Diaspora: The Lehendakari commits to all...

Acto oficial del Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Yesterday, September 8, the institutional event for the third annual Day of the Basque Diaspora was held with a live speech by Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu,...

The celebration of this year’s Day of the Diaspora will be...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
Given the trying times brought upon us by COVID-19, the third Day of the Diaspora, which is held on September 8, is going to be...