Tag: Ciencia vasca
Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President...
Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom
LUP, the magnifying glass that reads text: an award-winning project from...
Students at the University of the Basque Country have designed a magnifying glass that converts text to audio, which is being presented as a solution for people with vision problems
An IBM quantum computer at Ikerbasque in San Sebastian
For most of us mere mortals, which definitely includes us, the term "quantum computer" sound more like science fiction than science fact. But we...
Our contribution on the International Day of Women and Girls in...
On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we recall four women connected to our country who have stood out in the world of science
The secret of the cloud on Mars that has been revealed...
A group of researchers at the University of the Basque Country have uncovered a secret about the cloud that regularly appears on Mars
The Basque origins of two pioneers in engineering in Colombia
An article in "El Tiempo de Colombia" about two important engineers there, relatives of a Basque immigrant
The Basque Government and the OEI sign an alliance to promote...
The Basque Government and the OEI have signed an important agreement for Basque collaboration in education, science, and culture in Ibero-America