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Tag: Bombing of Guernica

Memory, Presence, and History: a exposition in Uruguay regarding “Guernica 80...

Aldaxka Logo
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Aldaxka Kultur Biltzarra, between the 24th and 29th of this month, has organized a series of activities around...

George L. Steer: a chronicle about the journalist who told the...

George Steer en el aeródromo de East London el 2 de noviembre de 1938
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today, on the 80th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, we’re paying tribute to the journalist who most...

Eighty Years after Guernica: against the lies, more truth

fotograma del documental Elai-alai donde se pueden ver los resultados del Bombardeo de Gernika (1938)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Since About Basque Country has existed, we’ve paid very special attention to the tragic events the Basques lived...

“The Basques themselves burned Guernica”  An interesting analysis by the Swiss...

In Trümmern: Guernica, nach dem Bombardement 1937. Foto: Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty Images
This article was translated by John R. Bopp An article published on the History Reloaded blog hosted by Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung struck us as extremely...

Remembering the Bombing of Guernica, and combining it with a bit...

Vista aerea de Gernika y Urdaibai
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our always admired newspaper, The Guardian, has published an article penned by Jonathan Lorie in their travel section...

‘Guernica’: heartbreaking scream, symbol of peace, in 1937 and today (play,...

Last January, the Sabino Arana Fundazioa held its annual Sabino Arana Prize ceremony, which began in 1989, as the organizers explain, to: "Recognize the merits of the...

Elai-Alai and Eresoinka: A People’s Culture against the Barbarism of Fascism

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’re in a time of commemorations.  As you might expect, we’re referring to the 80th anniversary of those...

The Emotional Stories of the Basque War Children in Belgium (video)

Fotograma del documental sobre una niña vasca de la guerra en Bélgica
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This entry is the fruit of the help of one of our readers, a friend on this blog’s...

The memoirs of Maria Incera, a Basque war child who lives...

Maria Incera. Una "niña vasca de la guerra" que narra sus vivencias desde Yorkshire
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Her name is Maria Luisa Incera.  She’s from the La Arena neighborhood of Zierbena, on the Biscayne coast,...

Was the Bombing of Guernica a “necessary evil” so that Picasso...

Foto inéditas del Gernika bombardeado del día 28 de Abril de 1937 En el fondo documental del coronel rebelde Francisco Iglesias Brage, que se custodia en el Archivo del Reino de Galicia.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Thanks to an article by Alonso Cueto in the Peruvian daily La República, we’ve discovered an analysis published...