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Tag: Bombing of Guernica

Can thickheadedness offend the memory of those murdered in the Bombing...

On March 20, we came across the ignominious article published on the The Aviation Geek Club website, where Italian Dario Leone, the site's founder...

In homage to Herminio Martínez and all the War Children: a...

Herminio Martínez en The Guernica Children do remember
Our regular readers will have had the opportunity to discover many reports on our blog about the Basque Children of '37 Association, a group...

“I Will Never Forgive Them”: Euronews Interviews Three Basques who Lived...

Tres vascos supervivientes de la guerra, cuentas su experiencia en Euronews
To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War, Euronews has just published a video by Aurora Vélez on their website about three...

110th anniversary of the birth of George L. Steer, the journalist...

George Steer en el aeródromo de East London el 2 de noviembre de 1938
We found out thanks to the Twitter account of the Basque Children of '37 Association, a British association that safeguards and dutifully shares the...

Guernica wasn’t destroyed by the “Republicans” or the “Nationalists”, it was...

Tapiz del «Guernica» expuesto en la ONU
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, has explained in a press conference that this weekend,...

April 26: the Bombing of Guernica: Against the Lies, More Truth....

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Today is April 26, the day we remember when, in 1937, the world could see, more clearly than...

The song by a Peruvian singer-songwriter that we recorded under the...

"el Árbol" de Lino Bolaños Baldassari grabada bajo el Árbol de Gernika
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've had the chance to talk a lot lately about the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aranzazu of Lima,...

Gernika, the occupation of Bilbao, the Exile, and the 21st Century...

Entrada de las tropas rebeldes en Bilbao y su "recibimiento"
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve been sitting on this story for a while.  It’s about an article by Julian Zabalbeascoa, from Los...

The British sailors who broke the Francoist blockade on Bilbao

El Backworth. El buque que eligió the Spanish Relief Fund (creada en Gran Bretaña para proporcionar ayuda humanitaria) para enviar alimentos y suministros médicos a Bilbao.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Our fourth article in a series dedicated to publications in the Tyne & Wear Museum’s blog about the...

The 80th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica in the international...

Bombardeo de Gernika (Foto- Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp As we prefer to do when, because of the importance of the topic and volume of information we’ve...