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Tag: Basques around the world

The “lauburus of Yucatan”, or the Basque remnants on the shores...

entrada original a la Hacienda Uxmal en Yukatan con sus lauburus
This article was translated by Joseba Varela Although this isn’t the first time we say this, there’s no denying it: sometimes we come across information that...

When a sapling from the Tree of Gernika is planted in...

Vista aérea del National Mall donde se celebra el Smithsonian Folklife Festival
This article was translated by Aimar Arizmendi Vince J. Juaristi is a basque-descendant born in Elko (Nevada), who has a technology company in Alexandria (Virginia). A...

The official end to the “Basque-Icelandic conflict” reported by The Washington...

This article was tranlated by Iustrans     A few days ago, the US newspaper The Washington Post published an article in its "world views" section written...

Former President Mujica celebrated his 80th birthday in Euskadi

El expresidente uruguayo José Mujica con el lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, durante su visita anterior. (Foto: Efe)
This article was tranlated by Iustrans   Two years ago, José Mugica  visited Euskadi while he was still Uruguay’s president. Now that he’s Uruguay’s former president,...

Will a Mexican team play against… Athletic? in Boise during the...

Un equipo vasco y uno Mexicano se enfrentarán en un partido de fútbol en el Jaialdi 2015
This article was tranlated by Iustrans Update (08/04/2015): the two teams, Athletic Club and Tijuana, have already confirmed their participation. We've been talking for some time...

Where to “soak up” the Basque culture in Cordoba (Argentina)

Vascos y argentinos. Argentinos y vascos. Dos patrias para Hombres libres
This article was tranlated by Iustrans The Argentine newspaper La Voz del Interior published a report prepared by Veronica Sudar  (Union of Communities of Immigrants...

400 years later: reconciliation between Basques and Icelanders

Hól­mavík. El lugar donde se colocará la placa en recuerdo de los balleneros vascos asesinados Photo: Sigurður Bogi Sæ­vars­son
This article was tranlated by Iustrans Truth be told, the reconciliation between Basques and Icelanders took place many centuries ago, as evidenced by the existence...

Grissom, the CSI star, talks and sings in Basque

This article was translated by Joseba Varela When we wrote the most recent post about an entry on Mark Bieter’s blog referring to his experience in...

Basques offer an ancestral example that provides contemporary teachings, which must...

San Antonio downtown just after sunset showing skyline around Tower of the Americas & Alamodome
This article was translated by Joseba Varela Iñigo Arzac has visited Euskadi. Judging by his name and surname, it seems obvious that he has Basque origins....