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Tag: Basque Culture

Luis de Basabe: a Basque from Baja California

Luis de Basabe y una vista de  Ensenada, México
The story of Luis de Basabe, a very Basque Mexican engineer and author, who lived in Baja California

Dolores Redondo brings Basque culture to Hollywood

Dolores Redondo con su novelaLa Cara Norte del Corzón
NBCUniversal and Heyday Films have announced that they will be making a series based on "The North Face of the Heart". The agreement includes the Baztán Trilogy

Basque culture and cuisine accompany Chillida in Great Britain

Summer Solstice dance performance by Kukai, May 2019. Photo: Alex Abril © Zabalaga Leku, San Sebastián, VEGAP (2021). Courtesy of the Estate of Eduardo Chillida.
At a Chillida exhibition organized by the Swiss art gallery Hauser & Wirth, Basque cultural and culinary activities will be organized

2021 Day of the Basque Diaspora: Lehendakari’s Closing Message #EuskalDiaspora

Lehendakari dia de la diáspora 2021
We close our series of entries on the 2021 Day of the Basque Diaspora with a message sent by the Basque Government and the Lehendakari in an official event on this red-letter day

A Missionary’s Greetings from the Bishop of Yurimaguas on the Day...

Saludo de Monseñor Aristín en el Día de la Diaspora Vasca 2021
The Bishop of Yurimaguas, Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín, sends greetings and blessings to the global Basque Community

The BBC explains Basque to the world

Qué es el euskera, contado  en la BBC
BBC journalist for the Latin America services Leire Ventas has prepared a magnificent video explaining what Basque is

A ‘Geo’ (France) special on the Basque Country, or when life...

Mapa del especial GEO-fr sobre el País Vasco publicado en mayo de 2021
"The Basque Country: A Getaway without Borders" A special from the French edition of 'Geo' on the Basque Country visiting both sides of the Pyrenees

“Joining Forces” The Day of the Basque Diaspora 2021. How...

Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020
The Day of the Basque Diaspora is fast approaching. The Basque Government is putting together a virtual agenda of all the activities being organized all over the world to celebrate.

The future of Basque culture is “dancing” out west

Los más jóvenes bailando en el Elko’s National Basque Festival 2021
Some videos from Elko's National Basque Festival show how the future our country's culture is alive and well in the world

The struggle to get Basque recognized on the Twitch platform

A pesar de la gran cantidad de peticiones Twitch aún no ha incluido una etiqueta oficial para identificar las transmisiones en euskera
Twitch has still not incorporated an official identifying tag for broadcasts in Basque (or many other minority languages), despite the demand