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Tag: Basque Culture

“Agur Jaunak” closes out the Dax city festivals in Les Landes

Interprentando el Agur Jaunak en las fiestas de Dax
"Agur Jaunak," the Basque song for solemn occasions, is sung in Dax, in Les Landes, to close out their weeklong city festival

Arto Gorria, the variety of corn being brought back in the...

Arto gorria la variedad de maíz del País Vasco recuperada por Jon Harlouchet y un grupo de agricultores
A group of Basque farmers is bringing back a traditional variety of corn, 'arto gorria', in order to recover the control of their crops

German TV WDR presents a tour of the southern Basque coast

WDR Das Baskenland - Spaniens raue Atlantikküste
Anne Willmes presents an amazing episode of "Wunderschön!" on German public broadcaster WDR covering the southern Basque coast

The websites for the North Dakota Job Service and Dept. of...

Capitolo de Dakota del Norte
The websites for the Job Service and Health Department of North Dakota are now available in 16 languages, including Basque

Reviewing the Basque legacy in San Juan, Argentina

Mienbros del Centro Vasco Eusko Etxea San Juan - Argentina
Journalist Ana Paula Gremoliche has published an article in 'Huarpe' about the role of the Basques in the history of San Juan province in Argentina

Jesús “Jess” Goñi, the Navarrese ‘bertsolari’ from Nevada

Jesús"jess" Goñi, bertsolari en Nevada
'The Nevada Independent' has published an excellent article on award-winning 'bertsolari' Jesús "Jess" Goñi, originally from the Baztán Valley in Navarre and now resident in Washoe County, Nevada

What is Basque pilota? Sylvia Sabes explains on the BBC

Euskal pilota/ Pelota vasca ( Andia/Getty Images)
Sylvia Sabes travels to the Southern Basque Country to explain on the BBC what Basque pilota is and how important it is for the Basques

A fantastic Google Arts & Culture article on the Guggenheim Bilbao

El Guggenheim Bilbao en construcción. Imagen copyright FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, fotografías: Aitor Ortiz
Google Arts & Culture has written several articles on the Guggenheim Bilbao, and brings them all together in this one

Harrijasotze–is it a strange or crazy sport?

Harrijasotza en  sport.sky.it
That's the question the Italian sports site sport.sky has asked; they're even more surprised that it's a sport women also play

A vibrant description of the Running of the Bulls by Rick...

Running of the bulls, 131 seconds of mayhem on the streets of Pamplona.
Author Rick Steves brings us an interesting article all about the Running of the Bulls