Yesterday, on the International Day of Archives, the Basque Government announced a major donation of two family archives of extraordinary importance to the Basque Historical Archives, specifically to the Basque Diaspora Archives, run by the Directorate for the Basque Community Abroad.
These two archives, for different reasons, share the story of two very important figures in the history of the Basque Homeland in the 20th century. One of these is the archives of Manuel María de Ynchausti Romeo and the other of Andrés de Irujo.

Our regular readers will know Andrés de Irujo from the magnificent article Mikel Ezkerro wrote about the three Irujo brothers. In that article, we learned how this Basque, in the 53 years he lived in Argentina, from his exile in 1940 to the year of his death in 1993, dedicated his life to spreading the word of the existence of the Basque Nation and sharing its Culture.
However, our blog has been severely lacking in not having shared any articles on the incommensurable work of Basque-Philippine Manuel María de Ynchausti in the defense of the Cause of the Basque People and support of Basques, and the Basque Government, in exile. It’s just a sign of how far we still have to go on the blog.
The Philippines is almost unexplored territory here on the blog, where our few articles from that part of the world have just barely begun to scratch the surface of, with the amazing work of our compatriots there. It’s not right how little we’ve touched on what we intuit is its importance in the article about the book that analyzes the Basque presence in the archipelago.
And that’s a void we mean to fill. As soon as our limited means allow. That’s a promise.
But today is the day to remember these two people and the importance of their archives becoming part of the Archives of the Basque Diaspora.
This importance is highlighted by the fact that the Lehendakari himself presided the act of transfer of these documents.
The archives of Andrés de Irujo were given by his widow, María Elena Etcheverry, who still lives in Argentina and runs the publishing house that has been a key player in 20th-century Basque history, preserving our culture: the Ekin Publishing House of Buenos Aires, founded in 1942 by Isaac López Mendizábal and Andrés María de Irujo himself.
In addition to bringing you the article published by Irekia at the Basque Government on the event, we’ll also leave you with information about Andrés María de Irujo and Manuel María de Ynchausti.
We also want to draw attention to the work of the Basque Diaspora Archives. Once again we’ll say, as we never tire of repeating, that the role the Basques in the world plays is a fundamental and necessary part of our history. And as these two men show, the work carried out by the Basque outside the Homeland are key to the history of our Country.
And it must be shared and known.
Irekia – 9/6/2020 -Euskadi
The Basque Government celebrates the International Archives Day and extends thanks for recent donations of Manuel de Ynchausti and Andrés de Irujo’s family archives
his evening, Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu presided over celebration of the International Archives Day, which took place at the Historic Archive of the Basque Country in Bilbao. As in years past, this event highlighted the importance of archives, which comprise a country’s documentary memory. During the event this year, thanks was extended for two recent donations received at the Historic Archive: the family archives of Manuel de Ynchausti and Andrés de Irujo, which reached Bilbao a few days ago.
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Enciclopedia Auñamendi – – Euskadi
Irujo Ollo, Andrés María
Personalidad navarra nacida en Estella el 29 de noviembre de 1907. Fallece el 29 de septiembre de 1993.Hijo del abogado Daniel Irujo y Urra, pionero del nacionalismo vasco en Navarra y defensor de Sabino Arana. Estudió bachiller en Lekaroz y Derecho en Deusto y Madrid.
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Enciclopedia Auñamendi – – Euskadi
Ynchausti Romero, Manuel María
Hombre de negocios y filántropo vasquista nacido en Manila (Filipinas) el 19 de octubre de 1900. Perteneciente a una familia guipuzcoana instalada en el s. XIX en Filipinas, donde tenía intereses industriales y comerciales. Estudió Derecho en la Universidad Central de Madrid, licenciándose en 1926, año en que casa con la donostiarra Ana Belén Larrauri. Es en Madrid donde conoce a la familia Leizaola y se vincula afectivamente al nacionalismo al que sirvió con eficacia merced a su fortuna y a su buen surtido repertorio de amistades en varios continentes.
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Basque Tribune – 15/12/2014 – Euskadi
Basque-Philippine Manuel Ynchausti in a Supporting but Vital Role
An old cliché says that nationalism vanishes when traveling. Certainly this does not apply to Manuel María de Ynchausti, a Philippine-Basque who travelled the world on several occasions, who lived on three continents and became indispensable on different occasions, as we will see, for achieving several projects related to the Basque Government and culture in the central years of the 20th century. In 1998 Jean-Claude Larronde dedicated a monograph entitled Etorri handiko mezenas bat (an inspired patron), edited by the Instituto Bidasoa and we refer to it for all those interested in deepening their knowledge about the life events of our protagonist.
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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country