This article was translated by John R. Bopp is a a must-visit website to get to know everything the Basque diaspora has done around the world, and the impact it’s had.  Among the huge amount of interesting information we can find on it, there’s a photo gallery that, with the latest upload of over 6,000 photos, now has over 40,000 pictures.  We’ve spoken of before, especially about this repository that shows us the lives of Basques around the world.

And the total number of documents we can consult on this website reaches 80,000 if we count the Urazandi Digital project.  This is an invaluable resource of info that’s saving an important part of the history of the Basques that was bound to be lost.

All of this is thanks, in large part, to the collaboration of the Euskal Etxeak and the Diaspora Basques, who’ve managed to make this archive the largest photo gallery of Basque groups abroad: more than 40,000 images that are a graphic testament to the historic moments, cultural activities, and events organized by the Euskal Etxeak around the world.

Thanks to the work of those responsible for, all the Archive photos are organized by collections, categories, country, tags, Euskal etxea, and user, to make browsing easier for the user.

Those of us at and encourage you to collaborate on this project to document the history of Basques around the world, sending your images to:

Euskaletxeak –   -Euskadi

Archivo Digital

The website Euskaletxeak has tens of thousands of photographs archived, and they can help us better understand the life and history of the Basques spread out all over the world

Goal: recover documents of the history of the exile and migration of Basques through research, scanning, photography, and oral testimony.  In addition to the almost 45,000 graphic archives at Urazandi Digital, this archive has another 35,723 descriptive images of daily life of the Basque diaspora.


Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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