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LUP, the magnifying glass that reads text: an award-winning project from...

Prototipo de la lupa inteligente LUP
Students at the University of the Basque Country have designed a magnifying glass that converts text to audio, which is being presented as a solution for people with vision problems

The EU assigns €9.3M to a Basque-US group investigating the origins...

Synergy; Fernando Cossio, Juanjo Gomez Cadenas, Roxanne Guenette
A team fo researchers at Basque scientific institutions, along with the participation of Harvard University, have received the first ERC Synergy grant given to the Basque Country by the European Research Council

Basques are from “the day before yesterday”, or science and populism

Imágen de una de las zonas de excavacion de Atapuerca
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Note: a few days after writing this, we couldn’t resist bringing back a story on another article in...

An “Unnamed Peak” in Nepal has been conquered by a Basque...

La ruta "Burning Kharkas" hasta la cima del "pico sin Nombre" en el Himalaya nepalí
  It seems incredible that in the day and age of Google Maps and “we can see the front door of any house in the...

The extensive “economic area” of San Sebastian 25,000 years ago

About 25,000 years ago, in the Late Stone Age, a group of Cro-Magnons established a campsite at modern-day San Sebastian, and kept it running...