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Tag: Spanish Civil War

The “Basque Boys” who triumphed at soccer at King Arthur’s Court

We'd like to bring you this moving story of the Basque War Children, who took refuge in Wales and created a soccer team

The murder of Lauaxeta, the victims of the police, and the...

(Updated June 2017) Dana emon biar yako matte dan azkatasunari In his memory, we again wish all our readers the same thing he dreamed of: Health...

Today, 77 years after making Guernica a “martyr city”, they still...

On this day in 1937, the Germans and Italians who supported Franco's insurgency reduced the Town of Guernica to rubble and bodies in what...

Alain Resnais, the Breton who brought the tragedy of Guernica to...

As the just-updated Wikipedia article about recently-passed director Alain Renais states:  Alain Resnais(French: ; 3 June 1922 – 1 March 2014) was a French film director and...

Spain won’t return what was stolen…but it’ll let a plaque be...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp There are certain details which serve to highlight how we subjects of the Kingdom of Spain live in...

The Havana Wedding of a Friend of Hemingway’s, Officiated by the...

They say an amazing story is just the antechamber to an even more amazing story.  The other day, we posted one of those entries...

They weren’t “Nationalists”, they were “Insurgents”, or simply “Fascists”

"Rough Guides", the website of a guidebook publishing house with more than thirty years of history, has recently been completely redesigned.  Taking a virtual...

The Bombing of Guernica in New York: Unrepentant Savagery

What surprises does life hold for us.  An exhibit remembering the Bombing of Guernica has just opened at the King Juan Carlos I Center...

A “Welsh Potato” helps the Basques during the Civil War

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We recently found a story in The Telegraph that seemed perfectly timed this year to celebrate the 75th...

The bombing of Guernica: against the lies, more truth

This article was translated by John R. Bopp The truth is right in front of our eyes, but it’s hidden behind the interference and distractions that...