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Tag: Proyeccion internacional

The 2021 Basque Culinary World Prize has a winner: Xanty Elías

Xanty Elías ganador del Basque Culinary World Prize 2021
The winner of the 2021 Basque Culinary World Prize is chef Xanty Elías, who's working to improve food education for boys and girls

Creating a Basque-Philippine culinary connection

webinar gastronomia vasca
Basqvium and Filipina chef Reggie Aspiras are giving webinars in which they're bringing Basque cuisine to the Philippines

The 2020 Basque Culinary World Prize has a winner: José Andrés

Jose Andres Bahamas credit BCC-kp8H-U3200813455047J0F-656x492@Corriere-Web-Sezioni
We've had the pleasure of speaking, quite a bit, about the Basque Culinary World Prize.  And we've done so because it is one of...