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Tag: misioneros

Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín, named Apostolic Vicar of Yurimaguas

Jesús Mariía Aristín Vicario Apostolico de Yurimaguas
You don't have to dig too deep into the blog to discover our weakness for the Basque Passionists who, since 1913, that's over a...

120 years of the birth of Martín Elorza, a key figure...

Moseñor Elorza (izquierda), un joven Miguel irizar , el que luego sería obispo de Yurimaguas (derecha). en el centro el  padre Andrés Asenjo, uno de los primeros pasionistas que llegaron a la selva peruana
A few months ago, we brought you a blog entry on the epic work of the Basque Passionists in the Peruvian Amazon jungle, heroic...

Interview with Jesús María Aristín, Bishop of Yurimaguas. The epic...

106 años de presencia de Pasionistas vascos en la Amazonía peruana
A few weeks ago, we dedicated a detailed article to the amazing feats of the Basques in the Peruvian Amazonia.  It was not a...

Passionists in Peru: more than 100 epic years in Amazonia

12 pasionistas vascos en la selva del Perú. 1913
This article was translated by John R. Bopp It's hard for us to talk about the Passionist Fathers without being overwhelmed by a mixture of feelings:...

Do you remember who Ignacio Ellacuria was? Basque, Jesuit, man...

Rocío Silva Santisteban writes to us today, in her column at the Peruvian daily La República, a beautiful and very educational article about a Universal...

St. Francis Xavier was NOT born in Spain; St. Francis Xavier...

  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Brought up by the choice of the new Pope to call himself Francis, several media outlets have been...