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Tag: Italia

March 31—Commemoration of the bombing of Durango: truth, justice, and reparations...

Bombardeo de Durango 31 de marzo de 1937. Imagen tomada por los bombarderos italianos responsables del mismo
Commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing of Durango: yet another massacre carried out by Franco's rebels and allies in the Basque Country

Harrijasotze–is it a strange or crazy sport?

Harrijasotza en  sport.sky.it
That's the question the Italian sports site sport.sky has asked; they're even more surprised that it's a sport women also play

‘La Repubblica’ publishes a magnificent report on Vitoria and the Rioja...

Vista de Vitoria desde el anillo verde (Foto D. Llano)
'La Repubblica' has just published an article on Álava, paying special attention to the charms of its capital and the Rioja Alavesa region

The Mondragon co-op model featured on RAI

Mondragon Corporación Cooperativa en RAI3
RAI3 Has broadcast a program about the employment situation in Italy, and has used the Mondragon co-op model as an example of another way to do things

Vitoria-Gasteiz, a jewel in the green heart of the Basque Country

The "Life" website has published an article on Vitoria and how it draws in visitors looking for a city that respects nature and is built on a human scale

Speaking with the Basques from Italy, using the Eco Rally in...

Eco-rally  Bilbao 2019
The Italian daily 'TeverePost' has just published an article by Guido Guerrini giving an overview of the Basques in preparation for the EcoRally

The bombing of Guernica: against the lies, more truth

This article was translated by John R. Bopp The truth is right in front of our eyes, but it’s hidden behind the interference and distractions that...