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Tag: History of the Basques

A guide to Basque museums, to take “virtual tours” and plan...

Collage de museos vascos
Having to stay at home these days because of COVID-19 has given us some time to draw up a list of Basque museums that...

The Basque film “The Platform (El Hoyo)” is a hit on...

La película dirigida fue estrenada en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto 2019 (Netflix)
The Basque film «El hoyo» ( ‘The Platform’ in English), directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia and produced by Basque films, is turning out to be a...

The Historical Society of San Juan Capistrano is studying the local...

La ovejas fueron, también en  San Juan Capistrano (California) una importante actividad de los vascos
San Juan Capistrano was founded as one of the missions dotting the California coastline up to San Francisco back in the 17th century, when...

70th Anniversary of The El Paraíso Basque Center in Caracas

70 aniversario nauguracion centro vasco de Caracas en Paraiso
This new Basque Center in Caracas, in the El Paraíso neighborhood, was inaugurated with top honors, and even the presence of Lehendakari Aguirre, on...

Preconceptions of “national essence” when discussing the Ezkuzta Magdalenian sticks

 Estado original de la varilla 3 en el momento de su descubrimiento (fotografía: Antxieta Arkeologia Taldea).
A few days ago, we came across an article on several sites about a study carried out by a group of Basque scientists on...

AP, talking about the Ituren-Zubieta Carnival without using the word “Basque”

''Joaldunak'' march along a path as they take part in Carnival in the small Pyrenees village of Ituren, northern Spain. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
In what has become a news tradition, the Carnival in Ituren-Zubieta catches the attention of numerous world media outlets, as we've mentioned on many occasions. This...

A 15th-C. Basque Wine Transporter Ship that Sailed from Portugal to...

Piezas del Barco de Newport recuperadas y tratadas
This isn't the first time we've commented on how often we get the impression that the news we find tends to somehow end up...

In homage to Herminio Martínez and all the War Children: a...

Herminio Martínez en The Guernica Children do remember
Our regular readers will have had the opportunity to discover many reports on our blog about the Basque Children of '37 Association, a group...

Our First Task in 2020: Paying Homage to the Friends of...

George Steer en el aeródromo de East London el 2 de noviembre de 1938
One of the most prized possessions we Basques have has always been those people from outside our homeland who have defended our culture and...

Scenes of San Sebastian in Documentaries from 1913 and 1920-1930

imagen de un documental sobre Donostia en 1913 conservado en el EYE Film Museum
Back in 2014, we brought you an amateur film from the 1960s showing scenes of Bilbao, the bay, and Ondarroa.  A year later, we...