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Tag: History of the Basques

Mary of Jesus of Ágreda, Lima, the Franciscans, the Passionists, and...

María Jesús de Agreda
To read the life of Sister Mary of Jesus of Ágreda (Ágreda, Soria 1602—1665) is to discover one of the most influential women in...

The murders of Espinosa and Lauaxeta; police and GAL victims, and...

Dana emon biar yako matte dan azkatasunari In his memory, we again with all our readers that which he dreamed of: Health and a Basque...

Buenos Aires, 1921: when the ikurriña became the Basque flag

Ikurriña y bandera de Argentina portada del boletín de abril de 1921 del Laurak Bat de Buenos Aires
Today we wanted to bring you an article in the Basque newspaper Deia.  Now we know we have the rule to not reference any media...

Manuel de Ynchausti, the Philippine-born Basque patriot we need to know

Manuel Ynchausti with Lehendakari Agirre at Mr. Ynchausti’s home in White Plains, New York, November 1942. Photo: Ynchausti Foundation Archives.
  Jean-Claude Larronde studied at the Instituto of Political Studies and the School of Law in Bordeaux.  In 1972, the defended his doctoral thesis on...

Two major donations to the Basque Diaspora Archives: the family archives...

Andres de Irujo y  Manuel de Ynchausti
Yesterday, on the International Day of Archives, the Basque Government announced a major donation of two family archives of extraordinary importance to the Basque Historical...

Basque Chronicles: 700 Killed in La Ribera: the Three Months of...

Ramon Masats- Sanfermines Pamplona 1956. La tragedia y la barbarie convertida en juego
Santi Lorente is someone our regular readers will remember, thanks to the "Confinement Chronicles" he brought us throughout the first weeks of the pandemic,...

Guillermo Zubiaga: The Connection between ‘Joanes or the Basque Whaler’ and...

imagen de «Joanes the basque wahler» de Guillermo Zubiaga
  A few days ago, we were saddened to report on the passing of Selma Huxley, the researcher who made the world aware of the...

1945—2020. Against totalitarianism: Gora Euzkadi Azkatuta!

De Gaulle saluda militarmente a la ikurriña tras la batalla de Point de Grave  abril 1945
Five years ago, on the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Point de Grave, we wrote an article to remember what the members of...

The first Aberri Eguna 1932-1935. Images to remember those who...

Aberri Eguna 1934 -Gasteiz - Portada del Programa General (Isaak Díez)
In these hours leading up to the 2020 Aberri Eguna, Day of the Homeland, a kind follower of the blog sent us an amzing...

Aberri Eguna 2020: the Ikurriña as a symbol of the Basque...

Luis de Guezala has a PhD in History and a Masters in Archiving from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).  He is also...