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Tag: History of the Basques

Azkoitia-born Lope de Olano needs the forgiveness of no king

Lope de Olano. Capitanía de Castilla de Oro
Coinciding with the 510th anniversary of the 1510 discovery by Europeans of the Archipelago of San Andrés and Providencia by Basque Lope de Olano and...

Do the different types of cabernet grapes come from the Basque...

Racimo de Cabernet Franc
We've talked on more than one occasion about Basque wines, from Irulegi to the Rioja Alavesa, from Navarre to the coastal txakolis, but in...

For the Irish, the closest DNA match is with the Basques

Artist's depiction of Celts. PICASA 3.0
The US-based online publication Irish Central, dedicated to the Irish all over the world, has brought back an article on the Basque roots of...

On Flavio Ajuriaguerra on the 75th anniversary of his death, or...

Flavio Ajuriaguerra visitando en la carcel a su hermano Juan Ajuriaguerra
On the 75th anniversary of the death of Flavio Ajuriaguerra, we've had the opportunity to publish some thoughts to share in Deia about this...

“La ruta del Sain”: a historical novel about the journey of...

La ruta del sain. Novela histórica sobre balleneros vascos escrita por Alvaro Amieiro Fonseca
When we found out Vitoria-born Alvaro Amieiro Fonseca had written «La ruta del Sain», a historical novel recreating the epic journal of the Basque...

Santi Lorente’s “Stories to Stay at Home (Los Cuentos del Confinamiento)”...

Santi Lorente  «Los cuentos del confinamiento»
Many of our readers got to enjoy their daily dose of "Tales to Stay at Home" during the quarantine period, all of which were...

The Basque Roots of Catalonia

El mapa más antiguo que se conserva de la cordillera pirenaica (1482) / Fuente: Cartoteca de Catalunya
Today, in their History section, the Catalan digital daily El Nacional has published an amazing article by Marc Pons taking a great look at the...

Jiří Popper, the young Jew killed at Auschwitz wearing a Real Sociedad...

El joven checoslovaco de etnia judía Jiri Popper con un pin del escudo de la Real Sociedad de San Sebastián. (Holocaust.cz)
Yesterday, as every day, the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum shared a photo on Twitter of one of the people killed at that concentration and...

Basque Chronicles: Merchants and Administrators: the role of the Basques in...

Vista de Lima a Finales del siglo XVIII
We've often spoken here on the blog about the role the Basques played in colonial Latin America.  In the more than three centuries separating...

The BBC and the Basque barbecuing tradition, when nothing more needs...

BBC Travel: Where barbecue culture began?
On June 30, the BBC Travel website published an article by Ben Underwater about the Basque tradition of barbecuing. After reading it thoroughly, we could...