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Tag: History of the Basques

The Guilds of Aránzazu in the colonial capitals of Lima and...

Estampa callejera de México en la etapa colonial
An article by Dr. Elisa Luque Alcaide helps us understand the structure created by the Basques living in the New World colonies

“Javier de Landaburu (1907–1963). Al servicio de la causa vasca”, a...

Javier de Landaburu en la sede del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio (rue Singer)
Historian Leyre Arrieta has just published a book analyzing Javier de Landaburu, a key figure in Basque history

Forbes returns to San Sebastian, to make their readers fall in...

Vista panorámica de  San Sebastian - Donostia. GETTY
The US magazine 'Forbes' has written about the Basque Country again, this time focusing on San Sebastian

The Basques before the independence of the Viceroyalty of New Granada...

Batalla de Boyacá. Óleo de Martín Tovar y Tovar, París, 1880.
Basque-Colombian John Alejandro Ricaurte presents us with the Basques' contribution to the independence process of New Granada.

December 18 (1681), the Day the Guild of Aránzazu of Mexico...

Atrio convento de San Francisco México, donde estaba la capilla de la Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Aránzazu de México
On this day in 1681, the notary act that created the legal entity of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aránzazu of Mexico City was...

375th anniversary of Our Lady of Aránzazu in Lima, and its...

375 aniversario de la entronización de la Virgen Aranzazu en Lima
October 18th commemorates the enthronement of Our Lady of Aránzazu at the Chapel of the brotherhood which unites the Basques in Lima

254 years since the opening of the Colegio de San Ignacio...

Colegio de las Vizcaínas. México
On September 9, the Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola – Vizcaínas School, founded by the Basques living in Mexico City in the 18th century, celebrates its "birthday"

The Galapagos island that Ecuador owes the Basques, and other stories...

Isla Floreana, Galapagos
Floreana, one of the Galapagos Islands, could be the property of a town in Soule, Barcus. Brought to us by France Bleu

Akelarre (Coven of Sisters): the real story behind the hit new...

Fotograma de Akelarre (©Lamia producciones)
"Coven of Sisters (Akelarre)", based on the 17th century witch hunts and the case of young Basque women in Labourd, is a worldwide hit

Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques against...

ikurriña del batallón irrintzi con arpa irlandesa
More information about "Jack" Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques in their struggle against fascism in the Irrintzi Battalion