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Tag: Historia vasca

Remembering the Northern Basque Country, with videos from the 1940s, ’50s,...

Fotograma de un vídeo sobre el Pais Vasco continental años 50. Producido por Irrintzina
A collection of videos of the Northern Basque Country from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s

Video with 15 fascinating points about a European enigma: the Basque...

Video sobre el pueblo vasco realizado por Untold History
The YouTube channel "Untold History" has made a video attempting to describe the Basque people, a European enigma, through 15 points

Euskal Herria. La mirada extranjera. A book by Fernando Pérez de...

Fernando Pérez de Laborda
Euskal Herria. La mirada extranjera. A book to discover who we are thanks to 1219 looks at our country from abroad

Day of the Diaspora 2023: a celebration of the Basques in...

Juntas Generales de Bizkaia y Arbol de Gernika. Símbolo de las libertades Vascas
The Day of the Diaspora: a celebration of the Basques held in Guernica and in every corner of the world, to honor or forebears and our present

Discovering Carlist General Zumalakarregi as a Basque pro-independence federalist republican

Tomás de Zumalakarregi
Discovering Carlist General Zumalakarregi as a Basque pro-independence federalist republican. A hidden story

Two new “Guernica” murals in the Americas, thanks to the Basque...

Arrecifes, mural del Guernica de Picasso
Two Argentine Basque centers have commissioned murals of Picasso's "Guernica" as a way to share our history and existence as a people

So why are there so many Basque restaurants in the American...

Tasting Table has published an interesting article covering the reasons which explain the important presence of Basque cuisine in the US

Soule, the history of a territory of free people on “Txirrita”...

Castillo de Maule en Xiberua
"Txirrita" on France 3 covers Basque topics, and has dedicated an episode to explaining the history of Soule

An illustrated travel guidebook for the Northern Basque Country from 1921...

In 1921, Katharine Fedden and Arthur Romilly Fedden visited the Northern Basque Country, and borne of that trip was this illustrated guidebook we bring you today