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Tag: Friends of the Basques

A historical document: 3′ 25″ of film of the arrival of...

Fotograma del documental que nos muestra la llegada del Habana a  Gran Bretaña
The Wessex Film and Sound Archive has shared a documentary about the arrival of the Basque children to Southampton aboard the 'Habana' on May 23, 1937

Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques against...

ikurriña del batallón irrintzi con arpa irlandesa
More information about "Jack" Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques in their struggle against fascism in the Irrintzi Battalion

“Mr. Basque”: the deep commitment of US researcher William A. Douglass...

William A. Douglass and Jon Bilbao
Euskal Kazeta is the main news source for the Basque community in the United States.  It was founded in 2009, and you can check...

“Havens East” at Anglia Ruskin University. The memory of the...

Llegada de los niños vascos de la guerra al campamento en Gran Bretaña
We have to admit, we don't know what happens to all the profits from the so-called National Lottery in Spain end up, but according...

“Open Arms, Broken Hearts”: 83rd Anniversary of the Voyage of the...

On this day, May 21, in 1937, the Habana set sail from the Port of Bilbao with thousands of Basque boys and girls bound for...

An Homage in Cambridge to Leah Manning, the Woman who Opened...

Leah Manning con niños vascos de la guerra
A few weeks ago, when Basque Passionist, historian, and patriot Gregorio Arrien passed away, we brought you, as a reference to his "work sharing the memory...

In homage to Herminio Martínez and all the War Children: a...

Herminio Martínez en The Guernica Children do remember
Our regular readers will have had the opportunity to discover many reports on our blog about the Basque Children of '37 Association, a group...

Our First Task in 2020: Paying Homage to the Friends of...

George Steer en el aeródromo de East London el 2 de noviembre de 1938
One of the most prized possessions we Basques have has always been those people from outside our homeland who have defended our culture and...

The Basque War Children who Took Refuge in the UK Wish...

Felicitación de los niños vascos de la guerra»en Gran Bretaña
On this blog, you will be able to find a lot of information about the Basque War Children.  These stories are often about what...

110th anniversary of the birth of George L. Steer, the journalist...

George Steer en el aeródromo de East London el 2 de noviembre de 1938
We found out thanks to the Twitter account of the Basque Children of '37 Association, a British association that safeguards and dutifully shares the...