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Tag: Exilio vasco

María Elena Solas and Aurora Indurain, the stories of two Basque...

María Elena Solas y Aurora Indurain Euzko Etxea de Chile
Doble Espacio at the School of Journalism at the University of Chile has published an artice on the stories of two Basque exiles in Chile

Iñaki de Azpiazu, the Basque priest who touched lives wherever he...

Conferencia de prensa (en el Plaza Hotel) (Final de la misma). De izd. a der.: Joaquín Gamboa, Iñaki Azpiazu, Andrés irujo, Basaldua y el Lehendakari Aguirre.
Iñaki de Azpiazu, as a democrat and human rights defender, touched lives wherever he went, from the Land of the Basques to his adopted homeland, Argentina

An introduction to the first lehendakari and his flight through Nazi...

Jose Antonio Aguirre disfrazado de José Andrés Álvarez de la Lastra, ciudadano panameño, para huir de los nazis
Historian Ingo Niebel is presenting his book about Lehendakari Aguirre's flight through Occupied Europe to escape Nazi and Francoist persecution

“Javier de Landaburu (1907–1963). Al servicio de la causa vasca”, a...

Javier de Landaburu en la sede del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio (rue Singer)
Historian Leyre Arrieta has just published a book analyzing Javier de Landaburu, a key figure in Basque history

Oct. 7, 1936, when Lehendakari Aguirre’s oath changed the history of...

Juramento del Lehendakari Aguirre Foto: Sabino Arana Fundazioa)
On October 7, 1936, José Antonio Aguirre swore the oath of the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, kicking off a new era in our country

A work on the attempts to preserve the memory of the...

Oscar Álvarez-Gila has penned this article analyzing the attempts to compile the history of the Basque diaspora from the 1990s through today

“To Say Goodbye”, the documentary about the Basque War Children, is...

Documental «To Say Goodbye» sobre los niños vascos de la guerra refugiados en Gran Bretaña
Back in 2012, we shared the documentary "To Say Goodbye" when the BBC told us how, after a long, obstacle-filled road, it was finally...

Aberri Eguna 2020: the Ikurriña as a symbol of the Basque...

Luis de Guezala has a PhD in History and a Masters in Archiving from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).  He is also...

The Basque Church that was Never Francoist

Misa de campaña de gudaris (miembros del Ejército d eEuzkadi) durante la lucha contra los insurrectos franquistas
Today, the Mexican daily Zócalo has published an op-ed piece by Mexican journalist and writer Guillermo Fárber in which he comments, surprised, about the fact...

1954 Basque Festival in Mar del Plata (film courtesy of the...

Imágenes de la sexta Semana Vasca de Mar del Plata (1954)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp To celebrate the new year, the Argentine National General Archive has shared, on Facebook and Twitter, a small...