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Tag: Documental

West of Basque: a documentary about the history of the Basques...

Documental West of Basque. fiesta de la comunidad vasca de Boise
West of Basque tells the story of generations of Basques in Idaho, from their arrival to the US to their position of prominence today

A new docu-series about the history of the Basques in Bakersfield...

Basque Tracks. Una serie  de Jacob Shaw sobre los vascos de Baskerfield
Jacob Shaw is directing and producing "Basque Tracks", a series of documentaries about the past, present, and future of the Basque community of Bakersfield, Calif.

German TV WDR presents a tour of the southern Basque coast

WDR Das Baskenland - Spaniens raue Atlantikküste
Anne Willmes presents an amazing episode of "Wunderschön!" on German public broadcaster WDR covering the southern Basque coast

A documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield presented by The Smithsonian

Festival de Cine Lengua Materna THE EIGHTH PROVINCE
The Mother Tongue Film Festival, put on by The Smithsonian, is showing a documentary about the Basques in Bakersfield